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Xinlong Religious History Research

Posted on:2022-06-05Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:C MeiFull Text:PDF
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To understand the evolution and development of the religious history of Xinlong as a whole,it is necessary to put Xinlong place in the background of the development of Tibetan religious history.Since the 8th century AD,the spread of Tibetan Buddhism has experienced twists and turns,from the first spread to Tubo,to the support of Tubo,and then to its destruction.This process is the vein of the development of religious history.To study the religious history of Xinlong is to make a macro discussion on the proposition of religious history in the historical period.This paper is divided into five main parts.The first part is the introduction,which discusses the methodology,research ideas,related research results and research materials of the topic "Study on the Religious History of Xinlong",and points out that this topic is a weak point in both Tibetan and religious circles in China,and it is difficult,but summary results can still be made according to relevant historical materials and research results.The first chapter studies the formation and development of religious history in Tubo and Kangqu from the 7th century to the 13 th century,and roughly combs the historical context of Buddhism from its initial introduction to Tubo,to its demise,to its post-macro period and its development in Tubo,and studies the main Tibetan Buddhist monasteries in Kangqu during this period according to relevant data.The second chapter studies Buddhism and the spread of this religion in Kangqu from the 8th century to the 13 th century,and systematically analyzes the spread of Buddhism in Kangqu.The third chapter discusses the spread of religions and the distribution of monasteries in Kang District in Yuan and Ming Dynasties.At the same time,it explains some historical changes of religious pattern in Kangqu during this period.The fourth chapter follows the content of the third chapter,and goes to Xinlong to discuss the historical development of religious communication in Yuan and Ming Dynasties.The fifth chapter combs the religious history development of Xinlong in Qing Dynasty,discusses the distribution of Xinlong religious monasteries in this period and the historical reasons for their formation,and emphatically analyzes the simple religious history reasons for the failure of Gelug Sect to spread in Xinlong.The last part is the conclusion,which briefly summarizes Tibetan Buddhism,its main characteristics,its role in Tibetan Buddhism cultural circle and its historical position in the historical period.In addition,the direction that the subject should strive for in the future is also simply explained.The beginning of the post-heyday of Tibetan Buddhism marks the re-emergence of Buddhism on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,and its spread in Kangqu officially kicked off.The formation and development of many sects of Xinlong began to take shape at this time.The religious history of Xinlong can't be separated from the development of religious communication in the whole ancient Tibetan society.It takes the early spread of Buddhism to the early and late period of Tibetan Buddhism and then to the post-Hong period as the research background,and restores a relatively complete religious history of Xinlong from the Yuan Dynasty to the Ming and Qing Dynasties.
Keywords/Search Tags:Lamaasm, Bonismo, History, Xionglong
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