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A Study On The Institutions Of The Chos?n Dynasty From The Perspective Of The Fanfeng System In Ming And Qing Dynasties

Posted on:2022-02-18Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:B LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1485306491956599Subject:History of Ancient China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the past one hundred years,Chinese and overseas academic fields have published abundant works on the institutions of the Chos?n Dynasty(????).It is known that previous scholars have discussed the function and evolution operation of the Euijeongbu(???)and Piby?nsa(???),illustrated the correlation between the Chos?n and the Chinese political system,but they have not jet examined the organizational mode and the basic characteristics of power operation of these institutions on the whole,they selected objects are only limited to the various ministries and departments.In addition,some scholars were always focus on the historical framework of political system,rather than the larger structure of the power order in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.Based on the above research background,this dissertation will focuses on the organizational structure and power control structure of the institutions in Chos?n Dynasty,then examines the influence to institutions of Chos?n by the power order which from the"Fanfeng System"(????).Academic fields sometimes use"Hua–Yi Distinction"(????),"Tributary Relationship"(????)and"Tributary System"(????),"Tribute Trade Relations"(??????),or"Tribute Trade System"(??????)as a basic concept to interpret Ming and Qing Dynasties era of foreign diplomacy.We have to say that these concepts to some extent demonstrated the China's relations with Chos?n from different perspective,and admittedly has its academic value,but which it neither indicate the stability and effectiveness of the tributary act,nor define the bounds of the main tributary,so using these fuzzy concept to the study of the basic attributes of China-Chos?n relations,will dilute the rigor of research conclusion.It would even confuse the relationship between China and Japan during the Ming and Qing Dynasties.This dissertation claims that China and Chos?n established a relationship with the names of their sovereigns and ministers through political and military activities in the Ming and Qing Dynasties,and they jointly constructed a relatively stable Fanfeng System.Under the framework of this political system,Chos?n followed the power order centering on China in the Ming and Qing Dynasties,and had the duty to defend the emperor and serve China,while China regarded Chos?n as a vassal country,and actively fulfilled the duty of"Ja-so"(??).Chos ?n was independently to some extent because it was not within the administrative scope of China in Ming and Qing Dynasties,however the construction and operation of its political system were still deeply influenced by the Fanfeng System,and its power structure was also permeated with the power order of the Fanfeng System.The king was the core of the supreme ruler and institutions in Chos?n Dynasty,he has exercised many top-level powers,such as the Diplomatic power and the supreme decision of government affairs.However,his ruling name was mainly obtained by the emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties granting the title of King Lord,Gold Seal,Imperial Coat and posthumous title,etc.The king made full use of his position in the vassal system to establish a number of ritual laws and regulations in the name of vassals,thus establishing the ruling legitimacy of the region.The power of the crown prince is closely related to the strength of the royal power.He mainly exercises the power of command the army and supervising the state under the royal mandate,and undertakes the duties of offering sacrifices to the ancestral temple.In order to enhance and strengthen the authority of the crown prince in the territory,the king established the ritual system and rank of the crown prince by requesting the emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties to title the crown prince,and formulated and promulgated the ceremonial system of the crown prince by himself.All the officials and the crown prince were not subordinate to the emperors of Ming and Qing Dynasties,they were in charge of the political affairs and the appointment and dismissal of officials,which made the construction and operation of the political system of Chos?n have a high degree of autonomy.However,the establishment and power operation of all the officials maintained the characteristics of the"local customs"of the country,and were also deeply influenced by the Fanfeng System.Li Fangyuan(???,King Taijong)was conferred by the Ming Dynasty to establish the legitimacy of the throne,he further extended the power of the throne,and imitated the law of dethroning the prime minister of the Ming Dynasty to reform the system of the political operation pattern.In the middle of the 16th century,the Ming Dynasty and Chos?n Dynasty simultaneously fell into the dilemma of"South Wobo and North Krupp”(“????”).Under the pressure of the frontier crisis in the Fanfeng System,the Euijeongbu department's deliberating political affairs did not work,while the frontier department rose up as a temporary organ to coordinate the military affairs in the border and local areas,and finally established the right to dominate the political affairs after the"Imjin Waeran"(“????”).The overall layout of the central administrative department was the result of the emperor's strengthening of centralized power during the period from King Taizong(??)to King Chengzong(??),and it was also the result of Chos?n's identification with and imitation of the political system of the Ming Dynasty,and then the transformation of the old system inherited from Koryo Dynasty(????).Zhu Yuanzhang(???)gave the country name of"Chos?n",Zheng Daochuan(???)and others compared the Ming Dynasty and Chos?n to Zhou Dynasty(??)and Jizi(??),which brought up the later Kings and ministers to imitate the system of the six officials of the Zhou Dynasty and the six departments of the Ming Dynasty to compile the political code,and operate the political affairs according to the"six codes"of the political thinking.Chos?n's local officials divided into administrative and judicial organs,military organs and Tuguan(??,native officials).Their function was to defend the land for the king,and they had their place in the sequence of officers and ranks in the system of vassalage,but they did not directly participate in major activities,so they were much less directly affected by the Fanfeng System.Although the system layout of institutions in Chos?n Dynasty is directly related to the expansion or contraction of royal power,power control structure and government operation mode,it is also adjusted by the influence of the Fanfeng System,and the hierarchical power order of the Fanfeng System permeates the power control structure.In the Ming and Qing Dynasties,China did not directly interfere in the construction and operation of the political systems of foreign countries,which made Chos?n have a high degree of autonomy in designing,organizing and reforming institutions under the full independence.This dissertation deals with the documents which related with the profit and loss of the Chos?n institutions and the surrounding situation closely related,and the change of power structure in general show a feature of pyramid,but its organization is too cumbersome,government operation always lost the real control order,and there also have Yibing Liangcao(“????”,A set of institutions is governed by two powers)and aristocratic politics characteristics.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ming and Qing Dynasties, Chos?n Dynasty, Fanfeng System, Institutions, Power Order
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