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Spatial Evolution,Mechanism,and Effect Of Global International Student Mobility And China's Response

Posted on:2022-01-25Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:C G HouFull Text:PDF
GTID:1485306482487254Subject:Human Geography
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With the rapid advancement of the wave of globalization,the geographical boundaries between countries have become increasingly blurred,and have gradually become a community of shared future.Various factors of production are increasingly frequently flowing across geographical boundaries in a "flat world".As the most active factor and the most important resource for economic development,the spatial allocation,education and training,competition and flow of talents have shown an increasingly international trend and become an irreversible world trend.International talents with international vision,familiar with international rules,mastering frontier knowledge,multi-cultural background and cross-cultural communication ability have become scarce resources,attracting the attention and competition of all countries.Studying abroad has become a necessary process for all countries to cultivate international talents.However,while globalization promotes "world peace and prosperity",it also includes the law of the jungle and asymmetric competition.In the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial revolution,the competition and game among countries to seize the high end of industrial chain,value chain,innovation chain and talent chain is becoming increasingly fierce.At the same time,the world situation is undergoing complex and profound changes.COVID-19 is spreading rapidly to the world,and the global social crisis and economic crisis are superimposed on each other,accelerating the collapse of the original international structure.In the face of "great changes unseen in a century," and in order to achieve the grand goal of national rejuvenation and national prosperity,the central government has proposed the strategy of reinvigorating China through human resource development.At present,in order to achieve "accelerating the implementation of the strategy of reinvigorating China through human resource development " and "gathering talents from all over the world",it is necessary to conduct in-depth research on the training of international talents of China,explore the evolutionary laws of the global flow of international students,and optimize the layout of China's international cooperation in overseas education,which is the inevitable choice of the strategy of reinvigorating China through human resource development.Although international student belongs to the category of pedagogy,most of the studies on international student are from the perspective of pedagogy.They regard the mobility of international student as learning behaviors in a specific environment,and pay attention to the education curriculum,education methods and cross-cultural adaptation of international students.However,the mobility of international student is not only a by-product of higher education,or a simple education and training,it involves a more complex global network of knowledge,economy,culture,and politics.The essence of the mobility of international student is the result of the cross-border geographical migration of education recipients in order to seek educational resources.It is a geographical issue,which means that we can carry out the study on the spatial evolution of the mobility of international student from the new perspective of geography,network science and other disciplines.By reviewing the existing literature,it is found that there are few studies on the evolution of international student mobility network space based on the data of global international student flow.In summary,based on the data of global international student mobility,this paper makes a preliminary study on the spatial evolution of international student mobility network from 2000 to2017,the layout and optimization of international cooperation in China's higher education by using the method of social network,GIS and spatial econometric model.The main conclusions are as follows:(1)The scale of international student in the world continues to grow rapidly,but it has obvious spatial imbalance.First of all,the inflow and outflow of international students are seriously unbalanced among countries with different development levels.Middle income and upper middle income countries are the main source countries,while high-income countries are the main destination countries;Second,the inflow and outflow of international students are uneven among different regions.East Asia and Europe are the main sources of international students,while Europe and North America are the main destinations;Third,there are significant spatial differences in the net flow of international students.The net inflow countries are mainly concentrated in North America,Europe and Australia,while the net exporter countries are mainly concentrated in Asia,Africa and Latin America;Fourth,there are significant spatial differences in the mobility of international students in the world.Europe has the highest mobility rate of international students in the world,with higher outbound mobility rate and inbound mobility rate.East Asia,South Asia and Southeast Asia have the lowest mobility rate of international students in the world,with lower outbound mobility rate and inbound mobility rate.(2)The international student mobility network presents a typical "pyramid structure",but the trend of regionalization is gradually emerging.The international student mobility network structure presents a typical "pyramid structure" with a significant core–periphery structure,but the strong semi–periphery,semi-periphery,and periphery have an obvious alternation process,which shows that there is no Matthew effect in the international student mobility network.On the other hand,the international student mobility network has a clear regionalization trend,which is mainly reflected in the following aspects: First of all,with the rapid growth of international students,the proportion of traditional destination countries continues to decline;Second,the agglomeration coefficient of international student mobility network is continuously decreasing,indicating that the agglomeration capacity of the network-centric countries is weakening;Third,international student mobility network has an obvious structure of community differentiation,and the community structure of the network is not stable,which is in the process of integration and division;Fourth,the hierarchical structure of international student mobility network has broken,and the number of dominant nodes and sub-dominant nodes is increasing.These phenomena indicate that regionalization has become an important and obvious trend in the evolution of international student mobility network.(3)The mobility of international student is mainly affected by the "push-pull" mechanism and the relationship structure mechanism between countries.The empirical analysis shows that the quality of higher education,the brand effect of first-class universities,the level of scientific innovation and the level of economic development of destination countries are the important "pull" factors to attract international students from all over the world.The negative factors such as the pressure to enter a higher education in the country of origin are directly proportional to the outflow scale of international students.However,the study also finds that the level of economic development is positively correlated with the scale of the outflow of international students from the source countries,which is contrary to the assumption of the “pushpull” theory,indicating that international student mobility does not strictly follow the“vertical flow” of economic gap.In the mechanism of relationship structure,political relations,historical colonial connections,and language proximity between countries have significant positive correlation with international student mobility,and geographical distance is negatively correlated,indicating that although a large number of studies have exaggerated globalization,liberalization,and rapid spread of world culture,but it does not mean that the transnational flow of population,including international students,is the result of free flow at the individual level.Political relations,historical colonial connections,geographic distance,culture,language and other factors have never disappeared on transnational movement of population,and thus created a global geographical spatial pattern of international student mobility.(4)International student mobility has significant knowledge and economic spillover effect,but the source and destination countries benefit from different ways.The empirical study shows that international student mobility network has a positive and close relationship with international scientific cooperation network.The diversification of direction of international student mobility has a more significant role in promoting the knowledge production and international scientific cooperation in the source country of international students,and the overall scale of recruiting international students has a more positive effect on the knowledge production and international scientific cooperation in the countries of destination of international students.There is also a close relationship between international student mobility network and international trade network.The scale of international student enrolled and dispatched by each country has a positive linear relationship with its import value and export value,and the import effect on the destination country of international student is greater than the export effect.Further research shows that the import effect of international students to the destination countries will be weakened by the historical colonial ties between countries,but will not be completely replaced,while the export effect to the destination countries will be enhanced by the historical colonial ties between countries,indicating that the role of "information channel" of international students is more common than imagined.In addition,the trade promotion effect of international students will be weakened by the language proximity between countries,which reflects that the role of "information channel" of international students is mainly derived from the function of language translators of international students.(5)There is an obvious spatial mismatch between the current situation and demand of international cooperation in China's overseas education.Chinese students mainly flow to North America,Western Europe,Oceania and East Asia,while those coming to China mainly come from East Asia,Southeast Asia,South Asia and other surrounding areas of China.As a result,there are significant spatial differences in the pattern of interdependence of higher education cooperation between China and other countries in the world.The countries that China relies on are mainly concentrated in North America,Western Europe and Australia,while the countries that rely on China are mainly concentrated in Southeast Asia,South Asia,Central Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa.In this context,it is particularly urgent and important to identify the demand space of international cooperation of China's higher education and optimize the global layout of international cooperation of China's higher education.At the knowledge demand level,the demand space of international cooperation of China's higher education is highly concentrated in northern Europe,Central Europe,southern Europe and Eastern Europe;at the international trade level,the scope of the demand space of international cooperation of China's higher education is gradually expanding,mainly concentrated in West Asia,Latin America,Southern Europe,Central and Eastern Europe,Northern Europe and other regions;at the level of international investment,the demand space of international cooperation of China's higher education has gradually shifted from Africa and Latin America to West Asia.
Keywords/Search Tags:International student mobility, Space-time pattern, Evolution mechanism, Spillover effect, Layout optimization
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