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A Comparative Study Of Translating Complex Sentence Between Different Japanese Translations Of Xi Jinping's Works:A Perspective Of Relevance Theory

Posted on:2021-07-29Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y XueFull Text:PDF
GTID:1485306479483914Subject:Foreign Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The translation of Xi Jinping's works,a crystallization of the socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era,is an important means to spreading China's voice.The study on its Japanese translation is of immediate significance.This thesis,guided by the Relevance Theory,discusses how to translate in Japanese the complex sentences by comparing the original Chinese version with two Japanese translations of Xi Jinping's works.Taking into consideration the thinking process of both the translators and the receivers,the author of this thesis tries to make clear the differences between their thinking processes in order to offer some translation strategies feasible for the Japanese translation of Xi Jinping's relevant works and the Party Literature of the Central Committee,hoping to be helpful for the construction of China's international discourse system.The Japanese translations of Xi Jinping's relevant works mentioned in this thesis refer specifically to the Japanese translations of?????????????????????????????????????????????????and???·?????????????done by the Compilation and Translation Bureau of the CPC Central Committeeand????????????(???)?????????????(???)done by China Foreign Languages Publishing Bureau.Different translators handle the translation in different ways,which therefore provides a guarantee for this comparative study.This thesis focuses on the complex sentence,the definitions and classifications of which,whether they are Chinese or Japanese,share some similarities which provides the linguistic foundation for the Japanese translation,but still there exist some differences that require the translators to cross language and cultural barriers for a successful cross-culture communication.In Xi's relevant works many complex sentences are used for a grand and inspiring effects,together with some parallel structures and some marked or unmarked complicated structures.Therefore,due to the differences in grammar and logic between Chinese and Japanese,these complicated structures inevitably become a difficulty in Japanese translation of Xi's relevant works,which therefore requires the translator to rearrange the information from the SL clauses for the conveyance of the SL meanings in the target language.If we follow completely the SL structures in translation,the communicative effect will be affected.From this point of view we can say that it has certain research value at the present stage to discuss in detail the Japanese translation of the complex sentences.Relevance Theory holds that translation means “communication”,in the context of which the relation between the source language and the TL receivers is not two unbalanced ends of the scale but each plays its own role as a link in the communication.To achieve the communication effect,both the translator and receiver are required to cooperate.Therefore this thesis,following its major concepts such as“ostensive-inferential process”,“effort-effect”,“cognitive environment”,“optional relevance” together with the consideration of both roles of the translators and receivers,comes up with some translation methods according to the classifications of the marked and unmarked complex sentences in Xi's relevant works,illustrates the similarities and differences in the different translation versions,and discusses how to translate the complex sentences to achieve the reception effects.The comparison result between different Japanese translations indicates that the methods adopted to translating the complex sentences in Xi's relevant works,though generally identical,are still somewhat different: more identical in dealing with the marked complex sentences while more different with the unmarked ones.Based on a detailed summary of the translation methods applied to many complex sentences,this thesis takes those examples not by linear translation but by inversion and conversion as the “extra efforts” made by the translators.By interviews with the translators,their thinking processes in the translation are clearly shown,which discloses objectively the translators' mental efforts behind their translations,the analyze of which indicates well that the translators' “efforts” made in the “ostensive-inferential process” is mainly oriented but not merely faithful to the source texts.Such “efforts” include some factors like meaning,context,sentence length,logic,etc.,and also include the consideration of the receivers' understanding.As for those examples that are dealt with identically in two different translation versions,the author of this thesis didn't make detailed investigations because they have enough relevance in between.Nevertheless,for those examples with bigger difference,the thesis investigates specially the reception effects of the translations by the readers' questionnaires and interviews,the result of which shows that,first,the group difference of the target audience such as the sex,age,schooling and contacting or not the China's politics are relevant to several subjects set in the questionnaires,while the occupations and the expectations for the translation do nothing with the setting subjects.Next,by going further we find that in questionnaires and interviews the readers' efforts made in the “ostensive-inferential process” are mainly oriented to the communication,with the readers hopes that the complicated structure translated should be endowed with the Japanese stylistic features with a prominent subject,cooperative structure,good logic and a proper sentence length.Therefore,due to the difference in the focus of attention on the translation between the translators and the readers,there are still some contents not matched between the translators' efforts and the reception effects,though the translations are well received as a whole,which mainly reflect in translating the multiple compound sentences of the marked complex sentence and the unmarked parallel structures,together with several problems such as unclear logic,less prominent subjects and some understanding difficulties.Relevance Theory holds that the mutual manifestness is the basis for communication between the translator and the readers,which reflects the logical connotation of the “domestic and international integration” emphasized in the construction of China's international discourse system.Therefore this thesis,focusing on how to narrow the gap in cognitive environment between the translators and the readers,discusses some specific translation strategies to promote the construction of China's international discourse system,especially the discourse system to Japan,from the respects of translators,receivers,the text transmission modes of the Party literature of the Central Committee.Specifically,with the translator as the center,a further response to the receivers' expectations should be made at present for the optional relevance,which proves well the strategies applied to the translation of complex sentences in Japanese translation of the Party literature of the Central Committee.With the receiver as the center,the receiver's overall cognition at present towards China's political documents is clearly shown,and the strategies and methods of how to promote the cognitive environments of the Japanese receivers are also well discussed,with an emphasis that the joint efforts should be made in the society,together with the improvement of the receivers' awareness of Chinese culture,to promote further the receivers' overall acceptance levels for the Chinese political documents,i.e.,the Party literature of the Central Committee.With the text transmission modes of the Party literature of the Central Committee as the center,it is pointed out that such a linear transmission mode has not met the demands for the construction of China's international discourse system,instead,a “Transmission-feedback” circle should be developed by which to let the receivers to hear China's voice and vice versa.Only by keeping knowing the receivers' psychologies to promote the mutual manifestness between the translators and the readers can the translation of the Party literature of the Central Committee achieve the effect of “China-Japan integration” and “domestic and international integration”,in order to play its important role in the construction of China's international discourse system.
Keywords/Search Tags:translation of complex sentences, Xi Jinping's relevant works, Relevance Theory, contraction between translations, China's discourse system to Japan
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