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A Study Of Stylistic Features And Translation Of Xi Jinping:The Governance Of China

Posted on:2020-10-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M YuanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2415330578959808Subject:Foreign Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Xi Jinping:The Governance of China is noted as an important window for the world to understand contemporary China and a key to finding answers to China's problems.Since its publication,the book has attracted great attention both from domestic and foreign readers and researchers.The research perspectives at home can be summed up in the following four aspects.1).Political learning.2).Ideology and culture.3).Language and translation.4).Stylistic features.As described above,there are few studies on the stylistic features and translation of Xi Jinping's speeches in the book.This thesis tries to probe into the stylistic features and translation of Xi Jinping:The Governance of China under the guidance of Liu Miqing's theory on stylistic translation.Based on stylistic formal markers and three translation methods of style summarized in the theory,Xi Jinping's style from the language perspective is discussed at phonological level,register level,syntactic level,lexical level,textual level and figures of speech level,and the translation strategies to these stylistic features will also be explored.Focusing on the application of corresponding,recasting and decolouring translation strategies through the analysis of specific translation examples,this thesis aims at providing a new research perspective for the effective international discourse system.Consequently,the research found that Xi Jinping's style on language level is unique and remarkable.On phonology,this book is good at rhymes,reduplicated words,and level and oblique tones.2)On register,professional vocabularies of different fields are well blended,such as the the fields of economy,education,technology and medicine.3)On syntax,there are variety of sentence patterns,such as exclamatory sentence,rhetorical question sentence,imperative sentence,compound sentence and complex sentence.4)On lexicon,a variety of idiomatic expressions,abbreviations,and network buzzwords are adopted.5)On text,this book does well in the use of diverse expressions.6)On figures of speech,the superb skill lies in massive use of image,allusion,parallelism,antithesis and catchword repetition.Guided by corresponding,recasting and decolouring principles,by means of strategies such as imitation,free translation,cutting and amplification,literal translation plus annotation,the translation of this book represents the above distinctive stylistic features to varying degrees.
Keywords/Search Tags:Xi Jinping:The Governance of China, theory on stylistic translation, stylistic features, international discourse system
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