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A Study Of The Development Of Printmaking In Thailand

Posted on:2021-08-20Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Ruttiporn LeepanuwongFull Text:PDF
GTID:1485306131484444Subject:Fine Arts
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I am a Thai student studying abroad.According to my observations and analysis of the development of Thai printmaking,Thai printmaking has developed from technique to art,and then to what we know it today.An important turning point in the development of Thai printmaking is the introduction and dissemination of Western culture and art.Especially since Rama VI,he hired Italian sculptor Corrado feroci to set up art university in Thailand.He transplanted the courses of the European Academy of fine arts to Thailand and began to set up print courses at the university in1953.This means that printmaking,as an art discipline,has officially entered the Art University and been publicly taught to students.Before the introduction of Western culture and art to Thailand,Thai printmaking has undergone a long evolutionary process: from the prehistoric period of Thailand,the prehistoric history of Thailand to the kingdom of Sukhothai and the kingdom of Ayutthaya,it can be seen that "pre printmaking" is similar to some basic elements of printmaking creation of today.From the Kingdom of Ayutthaya to the Kingdom of Rattanakosin is an important stage in the development of the printing industry.During this period,Thailand and Western countries have frequent exchanges.The country has the introduction of Western culture and print methodology.In the late Ayutthaya Kingdom,the printing techniques were mainly introduced by missionaries,whose purpose was to spread western religion.In the era of the Rattanakosin Kingdom,with the prosperity of commercial civilization,printing technology has received more attention.In particular,to improve the readability of books,booksellers began to insert woodblock prints in the pages of the book,and some even regarded this as a profession.This also shows that the development of Thai printmaking began with commercial printing.Earlier Thai printing and present printmaking have natural relevance.It also indicates the completion of Thai printmaking.Although Thailand already has printmaking works,the purpose and concept of creation are not the same as today's concept.With the infiltration of Western cultural and artistic concepts,Thai art has developed in an all-round way.With the establishment of an art school and the hosting of national competitions and exhibition,and the proliferation of the gallery demonstrated the universal acceptance of Western art concepts in Thailand.In particular,the Art University adopts the European art education systems,and a bachelor's degree in printmaking was set up in 1966.Many teachers who had studied in Europe and the United States and returned to Thailand to teach suggests the development of Thai printmaking is closely related to Western art.But we also need to realize clearly that Thai Art(including printmaking)not only inherits and learns western art but also tries its best to preserve the uniqueness of its cultural tradition,thus forming an art language with its unique style different from other countries.Besides,Thai printmaking has been internationally recognized and achieved excellent results in the international printmaking Competitions and Exhibitions,multiple times,which also shows that although Thailand's geographical map is small,its printmaking has considerable strength and international influence.
Keywords/Search Tags:Thailand, Printmaking, Development and History
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