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Research On The Multiple Dimensions Of Cultural Construction In The New Era

Posted on:2020-01-11Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:Q Q WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1485305882491664Subject:Ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This article focuses on the topic of "Research on the multiple dimensions of cultural construction in the new era",and is based on the theory of cultural construction of classical writers of Marxism,with "Xi Jinping's important exposition on cultural construction" as the theoretical basis and theoretical guidance.Its foothold is "new era",and the key point is "cultural construction",with the emphasis on "dimension".It mainly explores the cultural construction of the new era from the five dimensions of the age,philosophical,political,scientific and moral dimensions of cultural construction in the new era.The first part is the era dimension of cultural construction in the new era.This part is mainly carried out from three aspects: the background of cultural construction in the new era,the characteristics of the times and the significance of the times.The construction of the new era culture is the requirement and call of the development of the times,and it is an inevitable measure to adapt to the domestic and foreign culture construction.The cultural construction of the new era has the characteristics of political and people,scientific and practical,specificity and comprehensiveness,nationality and inclusiveness.It has important epochal significance for promoting spiritual civilization,enhancing cultural self-confidence and building a cultural power.The second part is the philosophical dimension of cultural construction in the new era.This part mainly discusses the cultural construction of the new era from the philosophical level,and answers the important issues of "who is it for","who depends on it" and "how to be" in the cultural construction of the new era from the philosophical dimension.The construction of the new era culture is based on Marxist theory of value,dialectical materialism epistemology and materialist dialectics,adheres to the "people-oriented" theory of value,and adheres to the epistemology that practice is the fundamental driving force of cultural construction and cultural development.It explores the cultural construction of the new era from the contradiction,development and connection of materialist dialectics.It is of great significance for understanding and interpreting the cultural construction of the new era from the perspective of philosophy,and is of great value for promoting the cultural construction of the new era.The third part is the political dimension of cultural construction in the new era.This part mainly discusses the cultural construction of the new era from the political level.The core and most crucial thing in promoting the cultural construction of thenew era is to use the correct political direction as the guide and to strengthen the correct political position.This is the fundamental political follow-up of cultural construction in the new era.The construction of the new era culture must adhere to the guidance of Marxism,adhere to the leadership of the Communist Party of China,and adhere to the leadership of the socialist core value system.The guiding ideology of science,the strong core of leadership,and the core value system that leads the people strongly guarantee the political attributes and political positions of cultural construction in the new era.The fourth part is the scientific dimension of cultural construction in the new era.This part mainly discusses the cultural construction of the new era from the scientific level.The new era of cultural construction has both a systematic structure,a comprehensive task and a scientific attribute of a rich activity.The scientific goals of the new era culture,the overall content,and the implementation of synergy will promote the cultural construction of the new era as a whole.In the new era,cultural construction attaches great importance to strengthening the construction of the theory,attaching importance to the development of the cultural industry,paying attention to the Chinese story,and comprehensively promoting the cultural construction of the new era.The new era culture construction attaches importance to the development of spiritual and cultural activities,cultural and educational activities and cultural exchange activities,and effectively promotes cultural construction in the new era.The fifth part is the moral dimension of cultural construction in the new era.This part mainly discusses the cultural construction of the new era from the moral level.To promote the construction of the new era culture,we must continue to implement the civic moral construction project with the excellent moral resources,and strive to promote social morality construction,professional ethics construction,family virtue construction and personal morality construction.In the new era,cultural construction should create a moral environment and moral atmosphere of advocating morality and good morality in the whole society,fostering the moral power of upward and good,effectively promoting the moral realm of the people,improving the moral pursuit of the people,and strengthening the moral power of the people.
Keywords/Search Tags:new era, cultural construction, multiple dimension
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