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Upon The Interpretation History Of FengShenYanYi

Posted on:2012-09-02Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:J FengFull Text:PDF
GTID:1485303353953129Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Hermeneutics as western criticism theory is introduced into China in the late 1970s, permeating gradually to various disciplines, in literature producing far-reaching influence. Literature than other disciplines and hermeneutics has high intensity Literary fiction attribute, literature image is not in consistency,that makes the thought of its text more fairly openness and meaning independence. The literature and culture connotation is rich in "FengShenYanYi ".Its artistic charm increasingly glows with the passage of time passed, also generate new values and effects. All versions of text styles, literature study, movies and game development filled with our vision. " FengShenYanYi "in history shows the meaning of openness, richness. Hermeneutics understanding is always different understanding of history, the effect of the understanding. "FengShenYanYi" understanding and Hermeneutics can have cohesion and coincide fusion.It has profound academic value and modern sight significance.The paper includes five chapters.The introduction,there are three parts,the theory of western hermeneutics, the ancient chinese novels hermeneutics and the significance of "FengShenYanYi" interpretations. "The theory of western hermeneutics" introduces development in west and spread to China on Chinese literature criticism.The ancient chinese novels hermeneutics is a part of literature, hermeneutics, "Hermeneutics of the ancient chinese novels "traces ancient chinese novel criticism in the field of ideology and interpretation cases."The significance of'FengShenYanYi'interpretation "can discuss the theoretical significance and practical value of hermeneutic research from "FengShenYanYi"The first chapter "The history of'FengShenYanYi'interpretations". With the advent of "FengShenYanYi", its understanding and interpretations of activities emerge in endlessly. According to the time clues,I divided into Ming, qing dynasty, (1912-1976), (1976-) four interpretations stages. In the Ming circles on the "FengShenYanYi " interpretations ZhongBo-jing criticism were given priority, involving the characters, King's word and Moral enlightenment.In the Qing dynasty with the development of research, "FengShenYanYi "interpretations are relatively active. The Interpreters evaluated postively the fantasy artistic vision in "FengShenYanYi",had skill textual research in character, plot, and involved with political relationship. (1912-1976)the annotation studied forward, there are mainly the following several aspects:The first there was further identity on the "FengShenYanYi" artistic imagination. The second,it was continuation of qing dynasty textual research method under the influence of GuoGu trend such as the author, version,times aspect,.The third the themes of "FengShenYanYi" were discussed with the times. (1976-) FengShenYanYi interpretations trend the diversity of aesthetic to witness. The author, version problems have further comb and clarify, ideological content, the artistic style of study also gradually mature and move on to a new research mileage.Since the advent of "FengShenYanYi" in the Ming dynasty, various versions were shown. According to the text amount, content simplification and different cultural backgrounds,there are have original versions, picture versions, abbreviated versions, adapted versions versions, renewed versions, translated versions etc. These versions have complex forms and varied characteristics, and their value is in the changes of generating, highlight social times factors and the Interpreters'aesthetic orientations.The second chapter "political interpretations to'FengShenYanYi". The Interpreters understanded from different political perspectives based on age cloud, personal experiences.The political interpretations included democratic, revolutionary rebell thoughts, ethic politics etc.The political interpretations revealed the multi-meanings and richness in understanding, and analyzed the methods of political interpretations such as analogies subjective judgement, far-fetched interpretation, traditional and modern comprehensive interpretations were combined together. As an effective method, the criticism of political interpretations expressedthe historical era and the interpreters' thought. Respecting history, respecting the objective reality, based on the understanding of the work is the bottom line of "FengShenYanYi" interpretations.The third chapter "FengShenYanYi" interpretations of religious philosophy, as Supernatural evil-spirit novels more outstanding is "FengShenYanYi "s philosophy of religion features. The Interpreters analyse destiny, ChanJiao JieJiao,sanjiao and sanjiao. Older scholars approve identity, Marxis insist on historical materialism thinking destiny superstitious, Humanists fudge destiny. "The destiny view and fatalism" interpretations to "FengShenYanYi " unceasingly enrich and develop, the academic inclusiveness were shown among them.The clues is the good ChanJiao and the evil JieJiao struggle in "FengShenYanYi". The interpreters explain the definition of ChaoJiaoand JieJiao, semantic extricated, traceability of the gain or loss, etc. reflecting the meaning of ChaoJiao and JieJiao from their position and horizons. The interpretations indicate interpreters'different thoughts, enrich "FengShenYanYi"religious understanding.Three religions in "FengShenYanYi " are mentioned by writers repeatedly.In a narrow and generalized sense,the interpreters grasp the dynamic change, expounds the three religions, understand the complexity of sanjiao relationship in sanjiao culture of history.There are the immediate reading way, theoretical depth and breadth of expression, politics,religion and folk crossed. "FengShenYanYi religious interpretations show extraordinary features.The fourth chapter "FengShenYanYi" folk interpretations.FengShenYanYi contain abundant folk content, annotation attention from different folk aspects approaches. The interpreters foothold mythological background discusses the content and nature of the myth in "FengShenYanYi " analyzing the relationship among the myth folk literature and religion. Belief folk interpretation explains mammon, dongyue emperor, three xiao empress etc adoration,reflecting people psychological needs in the depth of the riches, the attitude of life and death, the children's hope. Language taboos, folk language,and folk customs showed the diversity in "FengShenYanYi" and the lifelikeness in understanding. The folk custom is a kind of complex cultural phenomenon, it is relative stability of matters, habits and activities in long-term both material and spiritual life practice. "FengShenYanYi" folk interpretations embody the folklore of secularization and regional characteristics.The fifth chapter "FengShenYanYi "character images interpretations FengShenYanYi "shaped hundreds characters, including prominent heroes that left a profound influence in literary hall. These figures were interpreted by later people generation after generation, highly respected. DaJi is the vital role in "FengShenYanYi".She decides the joys and sorrows of Yin king, effecting political situation and people's destiny.She is the most female image.She caue later people's extensive concern with a heated discussion. People differ in their attitudes, positive or negative, praise or blame.some people sayed she was female evil, some people thought she demand human rights, some people had the feeling of sympathy, even some people said DaJi wanted revenge. DaJi's images in the interpretations of history show complexity.NaZha is the plumpest hero in "FengShenYanYi", he is innocent and lively, fearless and couraged, deeply loved, influencing in academia, folk and media. Its interpretations involves archetype source, folk beliefs establishment, image character analysis and other elements, is "FengShenYanYi" group of characters in the textual interpretation most, interpretation, the most full content way and media most comprehensive interpretation of the characters. The other characters such as the son tooth, zhou, Lawrence w., etc YangJian interpreter also with respective interpretations position of unique interpretation depending idea and the interpretation of them did Angle of reading, which represent a "FengShenYanYi" character elegant demeanour, showed the penetration of ancient character FengShenYanYi longitudinal the artistic charm and influence.Epilogue:"FengShenYanYi" interpretations have version, politics, religion, folk, characters in theory and methodology of interpretation, generally speaking, reading can reach the following some understandings. First, for the research of historical situation FengShenYanYi comb, deepening research. Second, the FengShenYanYi "interpretation research based on macro hermeneutic perspective. Third, the FengShenYanYi "interpretation project controversial choice. Fourth, involved with FengShenYanYi "related field is wide. Fifth, the research of FengShenYanYi limited data, annotation research space been limited.
Keywords/Search Tags:FengShenYanYi, hermeneus, theme, character
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