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FanGuanJie Thought Of Eight Methods In Dynamic And Definite Sequence And Study On The Medication Rule Of DM

Posted on:2021-05-10Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:M Y TianFull Text:PDF
GTID:1484306308464194Subject:Chinese medical science
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
ObjectiveA comprehensive and systematic analysis of TCM clinical thought,actual clinical case analysis and prescription drug data analysis of Fan Guan Jie professor "dynamic and sequential" was carried out in this study.Based on the data mining and research,we hope to sum up,inherit and record the clinical thought of Fan Guan Jie diabetes treatment,and provide some experience for clinical type II diabetes differentiation and treatment.MethodsThis study uses three methods to study the relevant contents.Three research methods are used: literature study,case study and information study.Literature research through the Western medicine treatment of diabetes,literature and other materials,as well as traditional Chinese medicine treatment of diabetes,ancient books,literature and other materials,and combined with Professor Fan's learning process summary notes,teacher records,lecture materials,the same door published on Professor Fan's clinical medical records,academic ideas summary of relevant papers and works,referring to other schools of traditional Chinese medicine and the different views of major doctors on diabetes,From the etiology and pathogenesis of type II diabetes,treatment plan,specific drug use and other related research progress of traditional Chinese and western medicine,Professor Fan's "dynamic sequential" clinical thinking related sources,academic ideas,etc.Case study is to sum up Professor Fan's clinical cases,medical record analysis,showing Professor Fan's effective clinical experience under the guidance of "dynamic sequential" clinical thinking for clinical reference;Information research is aimed at Professor Fan's outpatient prescription information in the past ten years for data collation and input system to conduct data mining,collate and sum up Professor Fan's treatment of diabetes for diabetes.In the first part,the literature research on the progress of diabetes in traditional Chinese and western medicine,taking the form of literature review,summarizes the latest understanding of western medicine on the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes and related treatment prescriptions;Also to the Chinese medicine treatment Xiaoke disease related modern research and so on present situation has made the detailed combing and the analysis;The second part of the content of Professor Fan "dynamic sequential" Chinese medicine clinical thinking related academic sources,from the teacher's senior teachers of traditional Chinese medicine clinical thinking drug characteristics analysis,combined with the teacher's main academic sources of analysis,To explore the source of teachers' academic ideas;Chapter three: Fan Guan Jie professor "dynamic sequential" academic thinking,prescription drug characteristics and professor Fan's experience in the diagnosis and treatment of diabetes,the use of clinical case analysis and literature review research methods,combined with traditional Chinese medicine classical theory from the times,regions and other aspects of Professor Fan's unique academic ideas and clinical application of traditional Chinese medicine to explain and explain;The fourth part of the teacher in the treatment of diabetes medication related laws,Clinical data mining Professor Fan in the treatment of diabetes,Having sorted out and screened the prescription of Chinese medicine for the patients with diabetes mellitus(diabetes mellitus,type 2 diabetes mellitus,etc.)treated by Professor Fan from May 2007 to November 2017,There were 3709 cases,9063 visits,In order to use the "big data analysis system of medical records" developed by the Institute of traditional Chinese Medicine Information of the Chinese Academy of traditional Chinese Medicine,this data mining and analysis is carried out.Using correlation rules,complex system entropy clustering and other related data mining methods,From the single drug frequency,drug pairs,multi-drug and other aspects as well as the depth of the analysis and research.ResultsThrough the study of the origin of the teacher's academic thought,it is determined that the core of Professor Fan's dynamic and sequential academic thought lies in "constant movement view "," mutual culvert between movement and movement" and "unity of nature and man ".With the "Su-Quan Bao life of the whole form of theory " : " Man with the spirit of heaven and earth,04:00into the law." As the cornerstone,according to the dynamic thinking of the whole and changing at any time,we can understand and grasp all the processes related to health in the whole life cycle,and construct a whole concept of the unity of nature and man and can be displayed in different levels.The key of TCM differentiation and treatment lies in the grasp of syndromes,which are constant and reflect different stages of disease process,but the syndromes of different stages have their own characteristics and are relatively fixed,and the evolution between different syndromes is regular,that is,the occurrence and development of diseases are constantly changing.We need to constantly understand and summarize the relative stability and regularity of disease changes,so-called "constant response to change " [4].The academic thought of "moving-sequencing" mainly emphasizes that we should first grasp the core pathogenesis in clinical syndrome differentiation.TCM syndrome differentiation is the premise of treatment and treatment,and the accuracy of syndrome differentiation is the key to determine the clinical effectiveness directly.However,diseases tend to The syndromes are complex,the external factors are different(such as the degree of disease and evil,the four seasons,diet,etc.)and the internal conditions are different(human physical quality,psychological condition,understanding and thinking of disease,etc.),and the interaction of various factors becomes a complex pathogenic factor.Therefore,after summing up and grasping the core symptoms of the disease,we should grasp the main internal relations among the various laws of the occurrence and development of the disease,accurately grasp the core pathogenesis of the disease,and discuss the treatment according to syndrome differentiation.It is one of the characteristics of clinical application of "dynamic-sequential" academic thought in TCM.Fan Guan Jie the experience of clinical syndrome differentiation summarized by Professor,not only put the disease characteristics of diabetes disease in the first place,but also summed up the eight main pathogenesis of clinical diabetes,such as liver depression,dryness and heat,kidney deficiency and so on.In the concrete use,according to the academic thought of "dynamic and sequential" is mainly reflected in the following aspects: first,according to Professor Fan's induction and summary of the core symptoms to analyze and grasp the core pathogenesis;second,in the whole treatment process of the core pathogenesis changes are dynamic;third,to grasp the core pathogenesis reflected in the development law;fourth,to grasp the overall syndrome differentiation of an orderly coherence."Dynamic-sequential" is a smart theory of differentiation and treatment,and its?characteristics?are?relatively?fixed,easy?to?master.Therefore,underst anding and mastering its core symptoms,the core pathogenesis of syndrome differentiation?characteristics,can?be?used?in?clinical?practice.The?char acteristics of dynamic-sequential drug use are reflected in the following aspects :1.Strict differentiation of symptoms and signs,the formulation of prescription direction.2.use of drug string for symptomatic treatment.In the fourth part,in the analysis of the prescription of traditional Chinese medicine for the treatment of Xiaoke in the past ten years,Fan Shi's treatment of Xiaoke is mostly cold and warm,and its taste is mostly bitter,sweet and symplectic.The compatibility of drug pair mainly focuses on the compatibility between Qingre medicine and other kinds of drugs,accounting for 53.97% of the two drugs to the drug group.The core drug groups for the treatment of thirst include: licorice,Salvia miltiorrhiza,Rehmannia glutinosa,Atractylodes macrocephala,Yinchen,Plantago and so on.ConclusionThrough the above analysis of Professor Fan's "dynamic sequential" academic thought and Professor Fan's prescription data of Chinese medicine for ten years,it can be seen that Professor Fan not only likes clinical prescriptions based on the corresponding drug string made according to the academic thought of "dynamic sequential ",but also prefers to use traditional Chinese medicine to eliminate patients' discomfort.It reflects Fan Shi's clinical understanding of Xiaoke disease: Xiao Shuo Yin Jin is a common pathogenesis of Xiaoke disease.The occurrence of Xiaoke disease is closely related to liver dysfunction.Symptomatic treatment can achieve clinical effect.
Keywords/Search Tags:the law of dynamic development of diseases, searching for the primary cause of disease in treatment, academic thought, diabetes, law of medication
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