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Research And Development Of Data Management System For Nuclear Power Digital Design

Posted on:2021-07-07Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:T J ShenFull Text:PDF
GTID:1482306503484944Subject:Nuclear Science and Technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Informationization,digitalization,and intelligence are the most comprehensive and profound technology revolution of the new century.The Digital Design System(DDS)under development in SNERDI is a full-discipline-covered online collaborative design environment based upon a single data source,aiming to shift the conventional design paradigm to a model-based,highly automated,and widely collaborative one.Driven by the construction of the digital design system in SNERDI and the programme of digital support of state key S&T project CAP1400,after studying the design data characteristics of nuclear power design,this research proposed the digital design mode for nuclear power,formed a new theoretical approach and data modeling for data management,compiled the nuclear power data criteria,explored the functional requirements and the implementing algorithms for digital design,and developed a configuration-type software platform called Data Management System(DMS)which is applied in engineering projects.The multi-discipline collaborative disgn upon unified data source is the kernel of the digital design mode;hence beside three design platforms the data management system(DMS)should be developped independently for the construction of DDS,which satisifies the requirements of data transfer among the design platforms and disciplines.The efficient and deepened collaborative design mechanism can be established by the automatic design flow and the elaborative data service built in DMS.The data consistency problem among platforms can be solved by adopting data dictionary and design base line;the data quality assurance problem by following data compile-check-review process;the data correctness problem by setting up checking rules.The particularity of design data and the complication of function requirements cause the classical “entity-relation” database method unapplicable for nuclear power data modeling and storage.This research thus proposed a systematic and innovative data management methodology,consisting of “name-value separation” data storage method,“object-orientation” item modeling method,and “layer-by-layer configuration”attributes definition method.The “name-value separation” method models and stores the metadata and the value data of an attribute in a separative way,which suits the feature of nuclear design data,i.e.,multiple items,multiple attributes,unfixed version,and free format.The “object-orientation” method breaks down item classes into components and interfaces,thus forming a clear-cut hierarchy of Plant Breakdown Structure(PBS),solving the relationship issue between the whole and the parts,and between the attributes and the disciplines.The “layer-by-layer configuration” method defines an attribute by three configution steps with reusable elements such as words,fields,units,and table templates,making the definition of an attribute more convenient,normalized,and automatic.Then upon the above methods,the overall nuclear power design objects and their attributes are systematically reviewed and reorganizaed,forming the data criteria for nuclear power design,which consists mainly of class breakdown structrure and class attributes lists.After exploration on the data modeling and management methods,this paper carries on the functional requirement analaysis for the data management system,summarizing six core functions,i.e.,data collection,data storage,data control,data configuration,data display,and data application.Afterwards,this paper makes research on the implementation methods and presentation ways for each function,producing the alogorithm and logic for software coding and engineering application.After analysis of the functions and the algorithms,this research develops the data management system(DMS)through software engineering mode.The programming adopts MVC(model-view-control)framework,and the architecture is built by bottom-up four logic layers,i.e.,resource layer,data access layer,middleware layer,and application layer.The user interfaces are comprised according to the six functional modules and as well as data forms.Finally the software coding structure of the system is illustrated by two typical cases,i.e.,the development of the configuration module and the quality assurance process,which follows from bottom to top the definition of the persistant classes,the overwriting of the database access objects(DAO),the development of the business logic components,the coding of the control handlers,and finally the display of the view pages.The efficiency and applicability of the collaborative design mode is demonstrated by the nuclear heating reactor project,whose preliminary design of nuclear safety equipment,process system,electric and control system,as well as safety analysis are carried out on the DDS.The function and value of the DMS on data structured organization and persistence storage is testified by the data import and application of CAP1400 project from document system into the data management system,which also demonstrates the feasibility of the DMS for digital handover.The structure of three platforms and one center,and the digital collaborative design mode driven by flow and data,establish the methodology foundation for the construction of the digital design system.The proposed new data management methods,composing of “name-value separation”method,“object-orientation” method,and “layer-by-layer configution”method,eastablish the logical model and physical model for data management,and hence laid the methodology foundation for nuclear power data management.The comprehensive and configuration-typed data management system developed can be applied as a powerful data management platform for both nuclear power and other industries.And compared with similar software products,this platform possess advantages,such as easy for deployment,efficient for implementation,agile for application,and practical for engineering.This research contains high social and commercial value.
Keywords/Search Tags:digital design, data management, name value separation, plant information model, CAP1400
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