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Research On The Concept Of Green Design In Urban Development

Posted on:2021-08-11Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:X D GuFull Text:PDF
GTID:1481306305451774Subject:Philosophy of science and technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As an object world created by humans using engineering means,cities and towns embodies man's purposeful transformation of the natural world.The traditional urbanization development path has appeared "green turn" and "humanistic turn".General Secretary Xi Jinping made important instructions on the in-depth promotion of the construction of new urbanization,emphasizing that the development concept of innovation,coordination,greenness,opennessand sharing should be the guide to promote the sustainable and healthy development of new urbanization with Chinese characteristics.This is the general plan and general deployment of urbanization in the new era.The role of green is extremely important,Green urbanization is a manifestation of urban modernization.As a practical process of human simultaneously transforming the objective world and subjective world,urbanization integrates the regression of instrumental rationality and humanistic spirit,and embodies the dialectical relationship between consciousness and law.The topic of this article is mainly based on three backgrounds.One is derived from the concern about urbanization.It mainly aims at the phenomenon of conflict and separation with human and ecological systems in the process of traditional urbanization development,which forms the thinking of how to adjust the decisive factors of urbanization development.This article intends to do a fundamental research on urbanization from a design perspective.Second,during my doctoral study,I once participated in my supervisor's key project of national Social Science Fund,namely"Research on green Technology Paradigm and Ecological Civilization System",and conducted extensive research on it.The conclusion of this research indicates that green development is the general trend of human survival and development.Green design plays a positive role in promoting industrial system,all-round and free development of human beings,ecological civilization and other aspects.Third,in my daily work,I found that most of the petition for appeal are closely related to the improper operation of urbanization.Due to the rapid and strong squeezing of the time-space pattern,it not only caused disorder and ecological imbalance,but also easily caused it.Distortion and tearing of human nature makes it difficult to achieve sustainable development between people and nature.Aiming at problems such as the lack of green design concepts,this paper innovatively proposes the correlation between green design and green urbanization,and explores the positive correlation between green design on industrial systems,human survival and development,and the construction of ecological civilization from this perspective,so as to promote the overall development of green urbanization.The thesis is based on the logical structure of "proposing-analysis-solution",and its fundamental purpose is to solve the disadvantages of the traditional urbanization development path.Through the analysis of the problem,the reason for the difficulties encountered by the traditional urbanization development path is attributed to the lack of green design concepts.On this basis,through a comparative analysis of the expected interaction and actual performance between design and urbanization,the definition and extension of urban modernization are further broadened,and the results of green design are applied to promote the green industrial system,the free and overall development of people,and ecological civilization construction.The full text is divided into six chapters.The first part(Chapter 1 and Chapter 2)belongs to the question-raising stage of the thesis.The opening chapter combs the process of urbanization in our country from a historical perspective to reveal the problems of the relationship between man and nature in the process of urbanization,and takes the green dilemma and hidden worries shown in the process of urbanization as an entry point,and proposes a green design for urbanization in our country.Through the green survey of urbanization in typical countries,we find out the factors that affect the relationship between man and nature in the process of urban development,and analyze the interrelationship and interaction mechanism between cities and villages,green design and green urbanization,as a basis for follow-up research.The second part(Chapter 3)of the thesis is divided into the analyses of the problem of green urbanization.By analyzing the background of the era of the formation of green urbanization,the author explains the consciousness,engineering,technology,culture and other elements that affect the formation of urban modernization,and analyzes the basic concept of green urbanization and its theoretical roots,summarizes the principles and characteristics of urban modernization.The third part of the thesis(Chapter 4,Chapter 5 and Chapter 6)uses green design concepts to solve the problem of green urbanization in China.The paper also focuses on analyzing the cognitive structure of green design and the embodiment of urban development.From the perspective of the value concern of the green design concept,it explores and analyzes the positive significance of the integration between green design and green urbanization,and comprehensively explains the rich era of green urbanization,connotation and its integration path.Combined with the actual situation of our country,it describes the local vision of promoting the interaction between various industrial systems in the process of urban modernization,and provides a development path which for realizing the comprehensive and free development of people and promoting the construction of ecological civilization in the new era.Through the analysis and demonstration of the full text,this paper draws three important conclusions:first,there is a close correlation between green design and green urbanization development;Second,green design is beyond the traditional urbanization development path;Third,green design is an important tool to promote the green development of urbanization.
Keywords/Search Tags:green design, green urbanization, ecological civilization, green development
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