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Study On The Influence Of Social Capital On The Adoption Of Pig Manure Resource Utilization Technology From Pig Raiser

Posted on:2021-08-11Degree:DoctorType:Dissertation
Country:ChinaCandidate:W H LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:1481306131473074Subject:Agricultural Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At present,pollution from livestock and poultry farming,especially pig farming,has become an important cause of rural ecological environmental pollution,which has seriously hindered the smooth implementation of China's rural revitalization strategy.However,the current resource utilization technology of livestock and poultry manure has not been widely adopted by farmers.Although the government-led top-down policy system and technology extension system have played an important role in inspiring farmers to adopt the technology of resource utilization of livestock and poultry manure,there are also shortcomings in policy design and implementation,as well as "unreachable" Function blank.At the same time,the modernized utilization system of livestock and poultry manure resources that is in line with the market is far from perfect,and this "invisible hand" cannot yet form an effective incentive mechanism.And the social capital embedded in the rural social structure can make up for the deficiencies of the government and the market in the promotion of technology for the utilization of manure resources.Social capital plays an important role in the transfer of technological information,diversification of technological risks,and demonstration.It helps farmers to break through the limitations of existing resources and change the boundary between the adoption and non-adoption of agricultural technology.At the same time,as far as the utilization technology of livestock and poultry manure is concerned,it has a typical positive externality.The ecological and social benefits obtained by adopting this technology are much higher than the economic benefits.The enthusiasm of farmers to adopt the technology of resource utilization of livestock and poultry manure.However,the improvement of the entire society's ecological and social benefits depends on the participation of a large number of farmers to produce substantial changes.In this case,individual choices and collective choices are prone to conflict,which leads to collective action in trouble.And social capital is an important "weapon" for solving the dilemma of collective action.Social capital can combine micro-individual behaviors and macro-collective behaviors to promote cooperation among individuals,thereby helping to solve the problem of collective action in the adoption of technologies for the utilization of livestock manure resources.So,in reality,how does social capital influence the adoption of technologies for the utilization of livestock and poultry manure resources?What is the degree and direction of influence? What mechanism does this influence play? How to increase the adoption rate of farmers' utilization of livestock and poultry manure resource utilization technology? These are the problems that this study tries to solve.To answer these questions,this study takes social capital theory,farmer technology adoption theory,and agricultural technology diffusion theory as the theoretical basis,based on the perspective of social capital,using the field survey data of 615 pig farming households in Jilin Province to deeply analyze the farmer's The status quo and obstacles to the adoption of pollution resource utilization technology.On this basis,build a social capital indicator system and use factor analysis to measure social capital,and then use the ordered Probit model,structural equation model,binary logistic model,and ordered logistic model to deeply explore the social capital for breeding pigs Manure resource utilization technology recognition,adoption willingness,adoption behavior,adoption performance impact mechanism and action path,and put forward policy recommendations to encourage farmers to adopt livestock and livestock waste utilization technology.The main conclusions of this study are summarized as follows:(1)By investigating the status quo and obstacles to the adoption of manure resource utilization technology in 615 pig breeding households in Jilin Province,it was found that: First,it is considered that the harm caused by random discharge of pig manure on the air,water,soil and human health is "very bad" The proportion of large and relatively large “farmers” is 52.69%,51.54%,28.46%,and 21.46%,respectively.The proportion of pig farmers who can realize that the utilization technology of livestock and poultry manure resources has economic value,ecological value and social value is 46.02%,62.76% and 71.54% respectively.The main channels for pig farmers to obtain technical information on the utilization of manure resources are "other farmers","neighbors","village cadres",and "agricultural technicians".Second,74% of pig farmers are willing to adopt manure resource utilization technology;75%of pig farmers are willing to continue to pay attention to manure resource utilization technology;67% of pig farmers are willing to recommend manure resource utilization technology to others.Third,70.08% of pig farmers have adopted manure resource utilization technology.The types of manure resource utilization technologies adopted by pig farmers include fertilizer technology and energy technology.Among them,61.30% of the pig farmers adopted the fertilizer technology,and 8.78% of the pig farmers adopted the sample.Energy technology.It can be seen that the fertilization technology of livestock and poultry manure is currently the main resource utilization technology type adopted by pig farmers in Jilin Province.Fourth,a survey of pig farmers who have adopted manure resource utilization technology found that the proportion of pig farmers who have adopted resource utilization technology to improve soil fertility,reduce water pollution,and reduce air pollution is 70.60,respectively.%,52.77%,44.91%.The proportion of pig farmers that adopted resource utilization technology to save fertilizer costs and energy,reduce breeding costs,and increase income accounted for 49.59%,28.71%,and 34.82%,respectively.The proportion of pig farmers who indicated that the adoption of resource-utilizing technology has a certain role in improving neighborhood relations,improving relations with government workers,and improving village appearance is 56.48%,79.72%,and 76.79%,respectively.Fifth,in the process of adoption of pig manure resource utilization technology by farmers,there are insufficient awareness of farmers,the government's insufficient support for the adoption of livestock manure resource utilization technology,and the market's utilization of livestock manure resource utilization technology.Impediments such as insufficient promotion of adoption.(2)In the aspect of the construction of social capital measurement index system,this study mainly selects 18 indicators from three dimensions of social network,social trust and social norms.At the same time,factor analysis is used to measure social capital and index of each dimension.From the perspective of the dimension characteristics of social capital of the farmers,the average values of social network,social trust and social norms of the pig farmers who have adopted fecal resource utilization technology are higher than those of the farmers who have not adopted the technology.(2)In terms of the construction of the measurement index system of social capital,this study selects measurement indexes from three dimensions of social network,social trust,and social norms,and selects 18 indexes in total to build a more scientific and reasonable social capital index system.At the same time,the factor analysis method is used to measure the social capital and the index of each dimension.An analysis of the characteristics of different dimensions of social capital found that among the various indicators of social networks,the frequency of interaction with pig farmers according to their average values is as follows: relatives> neighbors> friends>other farmers in the same village> village cadres> Farming technology extension personnel.Among the various indicators of social trust,the order of the average degree of trust of pig farmers from large to small is: relatives> neighbors> other farmers in the same village> village committee> breeding technology promotion department> environmental protection policy.Among the various indicators of social norms,the social pressure experienced by farmers is sorted in order of the average of village cadres> relatives> other farmers in the same village.When comparing and analyzing the social networks,social trust,and social norms of farmers who have adopted the technology for the utilization of pig manure resources and those who have not adopted the technology,it is found that the social networks,social trust,and society of farmers who have not adopted this technology The average value of each index is lower than that of technical users.(3)The effects of social capital on the cognition of pig manure resource utilization technology were studied from two aspects of cognitive depth and cognitive breadth.The results show that social capital has a significant role in promoting the technical cognition of pig manure resource utilization,but different dimensions of social capital have different effects on the depth and breadth of technical cognition.Specifically,social network and social trust can promote the cognitive breadth and depth of pig manure resource utilization technology;social norms can promote the cognitive depth of pig manure resource utilization technology,but not significantly promote the cognitive breadth of technology.(4)The research on the influence of social capital on the adoption willingness of pig manure resource utilization technology shows that all dimensions of social capital not only have a direct positive effect on the adoption willingness of pig manure resource utilization technology,but also have an indirect positive effect on the adoption willingness of pig manure resource utilization technology through the technical perception(technical usefulness awareness,technical ease of use awareness)of pig manure resource utilization technology Influence.Taking the scale of cultivation and the years of education of the farmers as the adjustment variables,and using the multi group structural equation to carry out the multi group analysis,the results show that the two variables of the scale of cultivation and the years of education of the farmers play a regulatory role in part of the path.(5)The research on the influence of social capital on the adoption behavior of pig manure resource utilization technology shows that social capital and its dimensions have significant positive influence on the adoption behavior of pig manure resource utilization technology.Both the restrictive and incentive environmental regulations have a positive regulatory effect on the relationship between social capital and technology adoption of pig manure resource utilization,but the regulatory effect in all dimensions of social capital is not the same.(6)The research on the influence of social capital on the performance of technology adoption of pig manure resource utilization shows that social capital has a significant role in promoting the performance of technology adoption of pig manure resource utilization,but different dimensions of social capital have different effects on the economic performance,ecological performance and social performance of technology adoption.Based on the above analysis,this study draws the following policy recommendations: First,pay attention to the cultivation and maintenance of social capital.At the level of social networks,actively cultivate rural non-governmental organizations;encourage farmers to actively use the surrounding interpersonal resources to expand their social networks.At the level of social trust,create a social atmosphere of mutual trust and mutual benefit within the village;increase the trust of farmers in the village committee.At the level of social norms,highlight the exemplary role of typical characters and give full play to their demonstration effect;make full use of village regulations and civil agreements to play a role in the standardization of farmers' environmental protection and resource utilization.Second,raise farmers' awareness of the utilization of livestock and poultry manure resources.Third,strengthen the research and promotion system construction of the utilization technology of livestock manure resources.Accelerate the research and development of the utilization technology of poultry manure resources;strengthen the construction of the extension service system of the utilization technology of livestock and poultry manure resources.Fourth,effectively implement the formulation and implementation of supporting policies to promote the utilization of livestock and poultry manure resources.
Keywords/Search Tags:resource utilization of animal manure, technology adoption, social capital, pig raiser
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