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Corporate college: A business model for contract training

Posted on:2015-03-27Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Capella UniversityCandidate:Reimer, Martin CFull Text:PDF
A shortage of skilled workers in the United States prohibits companies from competing effectively in the global marketplace. The target population for this study included department employees, department leaders, and executive leaders connected to contract training at four Iowa community colleges. The purpose of this study was to assist community colleges and other institutions of higher education construct sustainable contract training business models to deliver quality workforce education. This study employed a mixed methodology approach to identify essential components needed for an institution of higher education to create a successful contract training business model by employing an interpretive, multiple case study approach to develop a grounded theory. The findings highlighted that contract training programs need to create a sustainable business model built on three distinct key themes: leadership, adaptable and engaging learning, and partnerships. Leadership needs to create a strategic vision for the contract training department that provides support and direction to ensure programs operate in a fiscally positive manner. The contract training departments need to have adaptable, engaging education. Curriculum should be competency-based and delivered in a customized fashion. Trainers need to be both engaging and knowledgeable. Contract training departments need a focused business-to-business marketing plan based on long-term partnerships. Training cannot be delivered without knowing intimately what clients need and in what manner they need it. To develop those strong partnerships, contract training programs need to understand the desired goals of their clients.
Keywords/Search Tags:Contract training, Business model, Need
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