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The Enhanced Assessment Competency Model: The Enact Mode

Posted on:2019-07-07Degree:Psy.DType:Dissertation
University:Capella UniversityCandidate:Whitmer, Scott AFull Text:PDF
GTID:1479390017987711Subject:Clinical Psychology
This study introduces the Enhanced Assessment Competency (ENACT) theoretical model, designed to increase assessment competency through the use of self-assessment and self-reflective methods and tools. The methods entail a self-assessment of efficacy, a self-evaluation of multicultural competency, a self-appraisal of one's advocacy role, and a self-audit of forensic preparedness to disentangle potential psycho-legal complexities. As envisioned, the ENACT model will be utilized as a method to augment the development of minimum assessment competency standards while placing emphasis on self-assessment methods, to strive for a higher competency. It is widely accepted across psychological disciplines that many theories and models underlie assessment competency and define foundational knowledge, functional performance, and professional development. The acquisition of assessment knowledge and competency is a dynamic multidimensional process that is developmental, iterative, integrative, formative, summative, and collaborative. It is a separate challenge to functionally and competently apply a multitrait, multimethod, and multi-informant process that meets competency standards. The ENACT model relies upon the cube model of competency development, a multifaceted construct, as a springboard to enhance knowledge and performance. The ENACT model shows how practitioners may transform an intellectual-theoretical paradigm into a research-methodology paradigm and then into a proactive-pragmatic paradigm of professional practice, so that assessment competency is enhanced. As proposed, the ENACT model will help practitioners become change agents, to empower individuals and promote system change. The ENACT model will scaffold assessment competency for postlicensure and postcertification practitioners and those newly minted professionals entering their respective specialties. The ENACT model will introduce the theories and models of evidence-based assessment, transformative learning process theory, Bennett's developmental model of cultural sensitivity, the scientist-practitioner-advocate model, and how psycho-legal forensic issues impact assessment. By integrating these theories and models into pragmatic self-assessment methods and tools, the ENACT model will amplify and/or activate assessment competency, assessment efficacy, multicultural competency, an advocacy role, and a readiness to navigate psycho-legal forensic issues that emerge in assessments.
Keywords/Search Tags:Competency, Assessment, ENACT, Model, Enhanced
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