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The human dimensions of pollinator conservation: Perception, practice, and policy in the lowbush blueberry industr

Posted on:2017-07-02Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of MaineCandidate:Collum, Kourtney KFull Text:PDF
GTID:1479390017964874Subject:Cultural anthropology
This dissertation presents comparative research of diverse agricultural actors involved in lowbush blueberry productions in Maine, USA and Prince Edward Island (PEI), Canada, in order to explore the factors that influence on-farm pollinator conservation. The research is presented through three distinct projects. In the first project, my collaborators and I ask: how do growers perceive and understand pollination in agricultural systems, and how do growers' perceptions influence their willingness and ability to enact on-farm bee conservation? Drawing on semi-structured interviews with conventional growers, we present growers' cultural models of pollination management and pollinator conservation. Our analysis reveals that the messages and recommendations about pollinator conservation put forth by outreach professionals are not always consistent with farmers' cultural models, creating barriers to the diffusion of pollinator conservation practices. We offer recommendations to increase the efficacy of pollinator conservation outreach and education programs.
Keywords/Search Tags:Pollinator conservation
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