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Digital Coaction: The Role of Social Media in Crisis Management

Posted on:2015-06-21Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Benedictine UniversityCandidate:Carfagno, Kenie AmanFull Text:PDF
GTID:1478390017994533Subject:Organizational Behavior
How leaders and stakeholders make sense of and respond to crises is changing. These changes are due to social media and the type, speed, and volume of data, as well as the constantly evolving technologies now accessible to leaders during moments of upheaval. This emergent area of study examines social media's involvement during crises. This study submits a new way of conceptualizing social media's role as it applies to crisis management: the digital coaction effect. The term describes a macrolevel synergy that occurs when social media is used to support crisis management efforts. The digital coaction effect increases optimization through the momentum of digitally aggregated efforts to help during crises.
Keywords/Search Tags:Digital coaction, Social media, Crisis, Crises
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