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Knowledge-based support systems for statistical softwar

Posted on:1991-05-18Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Iowa State UniversityCandidate:Carley, Michael RayFull Text:PDF
Much recent work in the application of knowledge-based programming techniques to statistical problems has involved the development of the statistical expert systems which guide a user through a correct statistical analysis or assists the user in choosing an appropriate statistical tool. A more basic need for users of statistical software is support (guidance and training) in the use of statistical software from a programming standpoint versus an analysis standpoint. This research investigates the development of knowledge-based systems to help support the use of statistical software. Two systems are developed, EG Expert and EG Network. The design and development of each is described long with issues pertaining to computer implementation using Prolog.
Keywords/Search Tags:Statistical, Knowledge-based, Systems, Development, Support
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