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Computer formal drawings and their automation

Posted on:1992-11-01Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Case Western Reserve UniversityCandidate:Ding, ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:1478390014498554Subject:Computer Science
Pictures are an important communication medium; but generating pictures in a computer system is tedious and time consuming. Besides, many other problems are found in using pictures. Our work aims to (1) develop models to formalize the objects to be visualized and the pictures that visualize them, (2) use visualization schemes to solve the automatic visualization problem, (3) use aesthetics rules to solve the aesthetics problem, and (4) build a system to automate the process of generating computer drawings.;We have developed the Formal Drawing Model which formalizes computer drawings without losing visual reality. Elements in the Formal Drawing Model possess formal syntax and semantics. The model is powerful enough to accommodate a large variety of computer drawings.;Aesthetics has not been addressed adequately in the past. In our work, we examine in detail what makes a picture pleasing and the mechanisms affecting the efficiency of using pictures to convey information. Aesthetics rules, distilled from numerous diagram drawings in textbooks, are the key component in the automatic drawing system proposed.;Based on our theoretical work, we build a framework to automate diagram drawing. We stress four issues which are critical to such a system but have not been integrated in the past. They are (1) Appropriate user involvement, (2) User customization, (3) Efficiency, and (4) Aesthetics. Solving these problems will allow us to build a more powerful and natural automatic drawing system. ftn*Work supported by K. C. Wong Educational Foundation, Hong Kong.
Keywords/Search Tags:Computer, Drawing, System, Formal, Pictures
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