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A qualitative case study: Understanding mentors' perspectives in a peer mentoring program for first year students at a prospective tier 1 research university

Posted on:2017-07-11Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:Texas Wesleyan UniversityCandidate:Charles, Adlai JFull Text:PDF
GTID:1478390014497263Subject:Higher Education
The primary purpose of this study was to explore the experiences and outcomes of the mentors who participated in this relational learning "peer mentoring" program. A qualitative design was used to better understand the feelings, values, and perceptions that underlie and influence the behavior of the peer mentors at the university. Examining mentor responses to questionnaires, observations, and a review of literature aided this process. These findings show that peer mentors regarded improved social skills, guidance, and administrative support as positive attributes while the selection of mentors and mentees were identified as concerns. Responses from the peer mentors contribute to additional knowledge about their perspectives within a peer mentoring program for first year students at a prospective Tier 1 research university. This study also expands the knowledge base regarding peer mentors and transformative leadership.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mentors, Peer, Program
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