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Teachers' Perceptions of How One Middle School's Math Teachers Impacted Student Achievement

Posted on:2015-06-20Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:Missouri Baptist UniversityCandidate:Frelix, Rebecca SFull Text:PDF
Expecting all middle school students to demonstrate mathematical proficiency in the math classroom is a dilemma which has left teachers frustrated, overwhelmed, and searching for answers. Since teachers in the middle school math department under study surpassed the minimum percentage of students expected to be at or above the proficient level in mathematics on the state assessment, the purpose of this study was to determine what these middle school math teachers did in order to surpass the state's Annual Proficiency Target indicators. Using qualitative research, middle school math teachers in this case study were interviewed. Triangulation of three sources of data (Shelf Records of 6-12 PLC Math Team Meetings, Surveys, and Interviews) were used to validate the findings. Examining the findings determined what caused an increase in student achievement in their school. Evidenced were dedicated teachers implementing high-quality instruction. Teachers were discovered to be focused and goal oriented, leading to higher levels of academic performance. It is recommended teachers concentrate on ways to enhance student engagement inside the classroom on a daily basis. Professional Learning Communities provide time for teacher collaboration and inquiry into successful practices. The enthusiasm and sharing of strategies makes good teachers even more effective. Many of these strategies center around helping students realize that effort results in learning. The researcher contends that securing greater student engagement made the noticeable changes in tested achievement. Since intentional teaching is what leads to intentional learning, PLC's provide an avenue for sustained and continued improvement.
Keywords/Search Tags:Teachers, Middle school, Student
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