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An evaluation of a proposed high school technology education curriculum by Utah industrial personnel administrators

Posted on:1991-12-29Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:Utah State UniversityCandidate:Merrell, Wayne LFull Text:PDF
The intent of this dissertation was to determine if and to what extent Utah industrial representatives judge a proposed high school technology education curriculum to be a valuable introduction to industry-related topics for Utah high school students. A survey instrument was distributed to personnel administrators representing the three major industrial sectors in Utah: service, trade, and manufacturing.; A score of "1" indicates that the respondents judge the course to be extremely important, while a score of "6" indicates that the respondents judge the curriculum to be not needed. The courses' ranking and means are as follows: (1) Introduction to Technological Literacy 2.452; (2) Advanced Communications 2.791; (3) Automated Systems 2.814; (4) Individual Technical Problems 2.842; (5) Principles of Technology I 2.984; (6) Principles of Technology II 3.208; (7) Material Science 3.240; and (8) Transportation 3.346.
Keywords/Search Tags:Technology, Utah, High school, Industrial, Curriculum
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