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Hope and Courage as the Foundation for a Virtue-Based Group Therapy

Posted on:2015-08-27Degree:Psy.DType:Dissertation
University:The Institute for the Psychological SciencesCandidate:Stevens, Nicholas RFull Text:PDF
The positive psychology movement has emerged as a reliable and empirically supported effort to define the virtues from a psychological perspective. The virtues, firm dispositions to do the good, have a long and venerable tradition in the theological and philosophical writings of the Catholic Church. This work merges the understanding of virtue across the various disciplines with positive psychology through the medium of group therapy. Specifically, the virtues of hope and courage are proposed as two of the core components for a group therapy based on virtue. Crucial to this endeavor is a group leader who understands, is committed to, and practices virtue in his professional and personal life. Furthermore, an investigation of character formation and virtue will provide an objective foundation for how best to incorporate and to instill virtues throughout the course of therapy. This “Character Focused Therapy” finds its underpinnings in an integration of the theology of Catholicism and the science of psychology. Lastly, there is a brief discourse on the virtues that could complement hope and courage as therapy progresses. The work aims to lay the groundwork for character growth in psychotherapy, predicated on the notion that the virtuous life will best lead patients to health, flourishing, and happiness.
Keywords/Search Tags:Virtue, Hope and courage
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