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The Taste of Time (A Contribution to the Theory of the Kiss)The taste of time

Posted on:2016-01-03Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Northwestern UniversityCandidate:Brower, Virgil WFull Text:PDF
This project attempts to develop a phenomenology of taste. The first chapter attempts to develop an experience of selftaste, through engagements with Aristotle, Nietzsche, Serres, and Derrida. In so doing, it attempts to identify the very lacunae where selftaste is lacking in Locke and Berkeley. The second chapter attempts to develop an experience of the taste of time, through readings of Aristotle, Kant, and Serres, after which it hazards the claim that taste is the osmosis of time; that what the capacity to osmose its near surrounding is to wine is what the capacity to taste is to us. The third chapter reads passages of Marx's Capital, Vol. 1, that specifically address eating, food, adulteration, orality, and buccality, juxtaposed with the two impossible kisses also to be found in Capital (i.e., commodity and money). Capital not only expropriates time from taste by the prolongation of the working-day, but also by extracting time from foodstuffs (fast food, instant, ready-made, preservatives, etc.). This renders value more inaccessible as the taste of time is more debased. The final chapter addresses the selftaste of time to the phenomenological tradition's endeavor to experience the other: empathy (Husserl), care (Heidegger), justice (Levinas), and eros (Marion) to allow the 'fusion' and 'identification' of Husserl's Umwelt to taste time with the help of Leibniz. This further opens one of Husserl's earlier formulations of experience with an alter-ego (non-self) as a sharing of time. It then re-addresses the phenomenon of the kiss in Marion by softly sticking a tongue into it and supplementing it with taste, both of which it oddly lacks.
Keywords/Search Tags:Taste, Time, Attempts, Chapter, Experience
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