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Chinese and Korean student sociocultural adaptation and intercultural organizational involvement at a selected private university

Posted on:2016-02-07Degree:Ed.DType:Dissertation
University:Dallas Baptist UniversityCandidate:Xiao, He TigerFull Text:PDF
GTID:1475390017975589Subject:Higher Education
Significant research has shown that international students from China and Korea experience a high level of sociocultural adaptation problems and difficulties in organizational involvement due to educational and cultural differences between east and west (Yang & Chau, 2011; Ye, 1992; Zhao, 2010). However, little study has examined student organizations that promote Chinese and Korean student sociocultural adaptation (Khatiwada, 2010; Lee, 2002; Tsai & Wong, 2012). Therefore, the purpose of this current research is to identify the relationship between Chinese and Korean students' sociocultural adaptation and their American organizational involvement levels. Demographic influences and the level of effectiveness of student organizations in meeting these students' adaptive needs were also considered. During the research, the Sociocultural Adaptation Scale and a demographic questionnaire were sent to Chinese and Korean students at a Christian university in the American southwest. One hundred and thirty Chinese and Korean students were engaged with the research survey and 101 of the participants completed all of the questions on the survey. Based on the quantitative research of the collected data, a significant relationship exists between Chinese and Korean student sociocultural adaptation and intercultural involvement levels. Chinese and Korean students' countries of origin, gender, age, marital status, and time of residence in the United States, however, do not have significant differences in determining their sociocultural adaptation levels. In addition, Chinese and Korean students do not have significant differences in their participation in diverse student organizations. Among all of the student organizations at the selected university, professional student organizations are the most significant predictors for Chinese and Korean students' sociocultural adaptation levels.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sociocultural adaptation, Student, Chinese and korean, Organizational involvement, University
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