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Posted on:1987-08-20Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of KansasCandidate:ABE, GOHFull Text:PDF
GTID:1475390017958899Subject:Cultural anthropology
This dissertation presents an ethnohistorical analysis of the impact of the presence of the Japanese colonial administration upon Palauan ways of life within the historical context of colonialism in Micronesia. Palauans' encounters with successive foreign colonial administrations are described ethnohistorically. These are examined within the framework of the centralized colonizing states each of which exerted force, cultural style and direction of transformation upon Palauan traditional culture. Raymond Firth's model of social organization and individual choices is used to delineate Palauan individual strategy in adapting to the differing foreign colonial administrations.;After discussion of the traditional Palauan political and social systems, the Palauans' successive encounters with the British, the Spanish, and the Germans are examined. In each of these encounters Palauans utilized the colonial situation for their own benefit.;The subsequent Japanese colonial administration brought Japanese immigrants, Japanese economy, and unprecedented forces of change to Palau and the Palauans. Palauans initiated active and innovative interaction with the Japanese. The data presented are based on extensive interviews of both Palauans and Japanese who experienced the Japanese colonial administration. These interviews provide eyewitness accounts of the cross-cultural administration in Palau. Various patterns of interaction are delineated, including that followed by Palauans who worked for the Japanese colonial administration in order to enhance their social standing.;A rejoinder examines Palauans' reactions and adaptation to the American Trust Territory administration, particularly with regard to their changing attitude toward land and land ownership.
Keywords/Search Tags:Japanese colonial administration, Palau
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