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The Civilizing Mission in the Empire State: French Schools in New Yor

Posted on:2019-09-04Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:New York UniversityCandidate:Ross, JaneFull Text:PDF
GTID:1475390017493146Subject:Education History
This study examines the history of French schools in the State of New York. These schools, Primarily the Lycee Francais de New York (1935-present) as well as other 19th and 20th century establishments, are distinct from other private, international and bilingual schools in their close connection to France and the French government Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Education. My research examines how and why these schools serve multiple missions on behalf of the French government. They ensuring the rights of French expatriates ensure that their children receive French education that includes not only language instruction, but also an important transmission of French history and values. The schools also explicitly serve a mission of cultural diplomacy, addressing both local American students and also an international elite of diplomats and businessmen who, ensuring the continued status of French as an international language of diplomacy as well as transmitting what France views to be "Universal" values. My research demonstrates that these missions have continued to be vital to the French government, even in times of war or crisis, and that the missions continue to be served in New York even as the schools have changed and adapted to local conditions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Schools, French, New
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