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The 'zheng': A Chinese instrument and its music

Posted on:1992-04-24Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Brown UniversityCandidate:Chen, Yan-ZhiFull Text:PDF
Regarded as one of the oldest indigenous Chinese stringed instruments, the zheng has undergone a complex process of transmission and evolution. In its thousands of years of history, this multi-stringed plucked instrument was frequently used for ancient court entertainment; it was also, perhaps even more often, used as an instrument at folk and popular gatherings. In contemporary China, the zheng enjoys an unprecedented popularity. Through mass media and other avenues, traditional and contemporary zheng music is becoming known not only domestically, but also internationally.; By virtue of the long history of development and increasing popularity, the zheng can be considered one of the most representative Chinese instruments. The structural evolution of the zheng and the stylistic changes of its music reflect the economic, social, and cultural development of Chinese society. Zheng art, as one of the most popular musical genres of China, represents the unique ethos of this ancient country.; The present study is a comprehensive and systematic survey of the zheng and its music from analytical and aesthetic perspectives, and the associated social and cultural contexts. The overall project uses primarily historical and comparative approaches. Specifically, the discussion focuses on the origin and evolution of the zheng and the historical development of traditional zheng music. The general characteristics of traditional zheng music and the unique musical styles of the principal zheng schools are also examined, as are the means of transmission and the performing practice of traditional zheng music. Finally, contemporary trends of zheng art are briefly surveyed as well.
Keywords/Search Tags:Zheng, Music, Chinese, Instrument
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