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Treatment outcomes of the summer treatment program for children with adhd and comorbid mental health diagnoses

Posted on:2015-05-21Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Cleveland State UniversityCandidate:Pizzuti, Anthony RegisFull Text:PDF
GTID:1474390017994058Subject:Mental Health
Although there is substantial support for the efficacy of the Summer Treatment Program (Pelham, Gnagy et al., 2010) for children diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), limited research has evaluated whether children diagnosed with additional mental health disorders (comorbidity) show positive outcomes and improvements when exposed to an intensive behavior program such as the Summer Treatment Program (STP). Furthermore, there is no research available that shows whether children from differing ages or gender who are diagnosed with additional mental health disorders (comorbidity) show improvements over the course of treatment. With such limited research, this study investigated a few of the questions raised about the treatment outcomes of the STP and whether children diagnosed ADHD, with and without comorbid conditions, have positive treatment outcomes and efficacy differences as a function of comorbidity, gender and age.;This particular research study examined archival data from 345 children, aged 6 to 12 years old, who enrolled in a 7-week Summer Treatment Program from the summers of 1999 &;The results indicate that treatment matching may reduce some of the clinical uncertainty in the literature regarding treatment options for children diagnosed with ADHD comorbidity.
Keywords/Search Tags:Summer treatment program, Children, ADHD, Mental health, Treatment outcomes, Comorbidity
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