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The Lived Experiences of Women Living in a Leprosy Colony in Hyderabad, India: A Phenomenological Study

Posted on:2018-01-28Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The Chicago School of Professional PsychologyCandidate:Charles-Damte, MarjorieFull Text:PDF
GTID:1474390017990161Subject:Social psychology
Leprosy, one of the most ancient and feared diseases known to mankind, remains a powerful justification for stigmatization in India today. Lack of treatment leads to hallmark deformities, which makes inflicted individuals easily identifiable and ostracized. Leprosy colonies have created a community environment for those affected. Studies examining the psychological effects of being a woman living in a leprosy colony in India, with or without leprosy, have largely been unexplored. The cultural psychology theoretical framework was utilized as it underscores how by understanding culture, researchers are able to interpret the meaning created by those sharing a specific culture. This qualitative research study used the phenomenological design to explore how 19 women living in a colony in India interpret their experience and how culture influences the meaning that they place on their experiences. Primary themes that emerged from the data analysis of the interviews pertained to the following topics: who I am, relationships, leprosy, social issues, and life in the colony. Living in the colony contributed to the creation of their own culture within the community, yet remained influenced by the community at large. Research implications reveal the need for further research exploring the experienced of stigmatized groups. Practice implications include the development of empowerment programs specifically targeting education for individuals that did not attend school and job training services for those physically disabled and/or who display physical signs of leprosy. Leveraging the expertise generated from multidisciplinary collaboration would enhance the effectiveness of programs developed to alleviate the suffering of the marginalized.
Keywords/Search Tags:Leprosy, India, Colony, Living
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