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Forestry pesticide spraying and cancer incidence in New Brunswick: An ecological study

Posted on:1990-06-12Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:McGill University (Canada)Candidate:Seliske, PatrickFull Text:PDF
GTID:1474390017953466Subject:Health Sciences
The human health risk associated with exposure to pesticide formulations applied to New Brunswick forests was examined for 31 sites of cancer, using measures of exposure based on the proximity of non-city population centers to spray areas.;Follow-up case-control studies of the cancer sites considered does not seem to be a matter of high priority at present. However, continued surveillance and data analysis involving more recent data is needed, particularly in the case of organophosphate formulations, due to the relatively short interval between exposure and outcome ascertainment for this exposure.;Two organochlorine and two organophosphate exposure indices were developed by using maps of areas sprayed each year during the period 1952 to 1976. These data were analyzed in relation to cancer incidence rates during the period 1977-l980 for 254 New Brunswick municipalities.
Keywords/Search Tags:New brunswick, Cancer incidence, Health, Exposure
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