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Studies on Certain Cultural and Manurial Aspects of Groundnut (Arachis hypogea Linn.) Cultivation in Assam

Posted on:1966-12-04Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Gauhati University (India)Candidate:Wamanan, P. PFull Text:PDF
The results of an investigation dealing with some of the important cultural and manurial aspects of groundnut (Arachis hypogea Linn.) cultivation in Assam are presented. A progressive decrease in the duration of the crop with the delay in sowing from March to September is observed. The effects of irrigation on the crop sown at differ-ent periods are described. The effectiveness of a feeding area of 108 square inches per bush for optimum growth and yield is indicated. The desirability of wider rows with close plant spacing is suggested. The futility of ridging groundnut corp is pointed out. The importante of hoeing and weeding in the cultiva-tion of this crop is discussed. The yield responses to N,P,K and Ca are studied. The marked effect of lime on the crop yield and its quali-ty is high lighted. The beneficial effect of superphos-phate on yield is emphasised. From a long range point of view, the application of a complete fertilizer mixture is recommended. The economics of cultivation of groundnut crop is worked out. Finally, the possibilities of growing this crop profitably in Gauhati region are explored.
Keywords/Search Tags:Groundnut, Cultivation, Crop
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