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Ala Moana Boulevard redefining the edge: Redefining the urban streetscape to account for new and planned developments within the adjacent neighborhood districts

Posted on:2016-11-13Degree:D.ArchType:Dissertation
University:University of Hawai'i at ManoaCandidate:Suan, HeidiFull Text:PDF
There are currently multiple layers of development that define the existing urban conditions surrounding and relating to Ala Moana Boulevard. Initial researcher reveals an inconsistency of program and activities happening along the edge of the boulevard. According to the existing body of knowledge, these inconsistent activities are tied back to bigger issues that involve the current residents and new stakeholders of the area.;The existing body of knowledge does not recognize a comprehensive master plan, or any master plan, that addresses the physical, social, and economic wellbeing of the site, which includes Ala Moana Boulevard and its respective users. In light of this, the intent of my research is to investigate all aspects of the past, understand the conditions of the present, and formulate a critical assessment of the site's future. In order to accomplish this, we must first gain a comprehensive understanding of street design and examine related concepts being implemented throughout Honolulu, America, and Europe.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ala moana boulevard
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