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A Methodology for Measuring Strain in Power Semiconductors

Posted on:2016-04-13Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of Wisconsin - MadisonCandidate:Avery, Seth MFull Text:PDF
The objective of this work is to develop a strain measurement methodology for use in power electronics during electrical operation; such that strain models can be developed and used as the basis of an active strain controller---improving the reliability of power electronics modules. This research involves developing electronic speckle pattern interferometry (ESPI) into a technology capable of measuring thermal-mechanical strain in electrically active power semiconductors. ESPI is a non-contact optical technique capable of high resolution (approx. 10 nm) surface displacement measurements. This work has developed a 3-D ESPI test stand, where simultaneous in- and out-of-plane measured components are combined to accurately determine full-field surface displacement. Two cameras are used to capture both local (interconnect level) displacements and strains, and global (device level) displacements. Methods have been developed to enable strain measurements of larger loads, while avoiding speckle decorrelation (which limits ESPI measurement of large deformations). A method of extracting strain estimates directly from unfiltered and wrapped phase maps has been developed, simplifying data analysis. Experimental noise measurements are made and used to develop optimal filtering using model-based tracking and determined strain noise characteristics. The experimental results of this work are strain measurements made on the surface of a leadframe of an electrically active IGBT. A model-based tracking technique has been developed to allow for the optimal strain solution to be extracted from noisy displacement results. Also, an experimentally validated thermal-mechanical FE strain model has been developed. The results of this work demonstrate that in situ strain measurements in power devices are feasible. Using the procedures developed in the work, strain measurements at critical locations of strain, which limit device reliability, at relevant power levels can be completed.
Keywords/Search Tags:Strain, Power, Work, ESPI
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