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Improving transit security in the San Francisco Bay Area: A case study of six San Francisco Bay Area transit systems

Posted on:1995-06-03Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Golden Gate UniversityCandidate:Lefante, Grant StephenFull Text:PDF
GTID:1472390014989750Subject:Public administration
There is substantial evidence that crime affecting mass transit systems represents a multidimensional problem that undermines the viability of public transportation. Such crime, coupled with entrenched fiscal and manpower resources, requires that more cost-effective transit security measures be adopted.;This dissertation research, as a case study, provides information and insight into a selection of transit security measures for use by transit systems in developing their security programs. The study examines the security operations of six San Francisco Bay Area transit agencies, and suggests possible ways to maximize resources and reduce the problems associated with future security operations. The research is directed at establishing a framework for improvements in transit security in general, and in the Bay Area in particular.;The research methodology included a literature review and the administration of a survey questionnaire mailed to San Francisco Bay Area transit security chiefs. Interviews were also conducted with Bay Area security chiefs and with members of the Metropolitan Transportation Commission and the California State Senate.;As a result of this research, it is clear that the issue of transit security involves not only matching solutions to problems, but also determining whether particular solutions are cost-effective. Transit management needs to redirect its attention and resources toward improving transit security operations. The dissertation reveals that there is a need for a coordinated, uniform method of transit policing, and a more cost-effective means of dealing with transit security problems.
Keywords/Search Tags:Transit, Case study, Transportation
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