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A profile of engineering technology deans: Characteristics and functions of engineering technology deans on two-year campuses

Posted on:1994-08-13Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Ohio UniversityCandidate:Beaver, Michael OdleyFull Text:PDF
The purpose of the study is to develop a general profile of engineering technology deans on two-year campuses using demographic and attitudinal data. The research sample consists of educators in leadership positions in engineering technology programs on two-year campuses in the United States.;The subjects for the research were selected from three sources: (a) Accreditation Board for Engineering Technology (ABET) programs on two-year campuses, (b) National Association for Industrial Technology accredited programs on two-year campuses, and (c) designated deans, directors, or chairs of engineering, technology, or vocational education programs on two-year campuses listed in the ;Results of the study indicate that the engineering technology dean closely resembles the profile of previous studies on deans. Anomalies with respect to prior studies include: (a) the title of dean is used in only 55.4% of the institutions, (b) female deans' report higher mean salaries than their male counterparts, (c) female deans are employed at larger schools than their male counterparts, (d) only 12% of the deans are female, (e) approximately 50% of the deans have held a technical or management position outside academe.
Keywords/Search Tags:Deans, Engineering technology, Two-year campuses, Profile
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