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Enduring idylls? A geographical study of tourism in Kona, Hawaii Island

Posted on:1996-09-27Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Hawai'i at ManoaCandidate:Johnston, Charles SamuelFull Text:PDF
This dissertation studied tourism in Kona, Hawaii Island. Objectives were to refine tourism theory that currently exists, transcend the scope of a case study by generating theory with broader applicability, and utilize the generated theory to explain the Kona case. Structuration theory provided ontological guidelines. At the disciplinary level, several concepts were taken from the "new regional geography" school. These included the mandate to study a micro-region, to focus on place-as-process, and to be postmodern. The latter incorporated the projects of regional description and generic regions. A systematic approach, the geography of tourism, constituted the third level. Three projects were chosen: tourism resources; the destination area life cycle model (DLC); and tourist space. The dissertation is a work of new regional geography through integration of these different levels.;The results emerged from tourism theory in relation to case. For resources, contributions were: (1) that this is a superior concept; (2) development of the properties of type, availability and quality. Kona data were used to induce a typology. Four types of tourist resources emerged: environmental; social; cultural; service. The variety used by tourists in Kona today is narrower than in the 19th century. The DLC model represents process-as-stage-sequence. Seven properties of process were induced: a unit-entity; its internal characteristics; its users; its stages; the typical sequence and variations; change mechanisms; macro-structural influences. Kona initially had a typical life cycle pathway, characterized by facilitation. At a critical juncture, locals rejected overtopping by high rises, inhibiting tourism. Resort enclaves were resisted but condominiums were built. This pathway is leading to an early departure from tourism, within the regional sequent occupance. Tourist "space" focused on the semiotics of markers and the relationship of "front and back" regions to "tiers" of businesses, the recreational business district model, and choroplethic zones. In Kona, sites are under-marked, areas are under-utilized; this is likely to get worse. Tourism in Kona is past its prime, hence the ? after Enduring Idylls?...
Keywords/Search Tags:Tourism, Kona, Theory
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