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Primary appraisal, reappraisal, and secondary appraisal in hematology-oncology pediatric patients undergoing I.V. medical procedures: An exploration using a developmentally specific CD-ROM intervention

Posted on:2004-01-19Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Fielding Graduate InstituteCandidate:Bisignano, AngelaFull Text:PDF
The recent shift in the study of children's reactions to painful medical procedures focusing on compliance to the more current conceptualization investigating how children cope warrants closer attention. According to stress and coping theory, the most important aspect of a stressful situation may be how the individual actually construes the event. The author reviews prominent cognitive behavioral treatments and current trends in pain management with children. She also reviews studies examining how individuals appraise stressful situations and the importance of reappraisal processes in coping and adjustment. It is argued that important advances can be made toward better pain management, and that children can experience less stress and negative emotions by designing interventions that take into consideration individual appraisal processes that are developmentally cognitively appropriate for the child.
Keywords/Search Tags:Appraisal
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