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Design study of temperature and humidity control in enclosed spaces

Posted on:1998-09-03Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Florida Institute of TechnologyCandidate:Khattar, Mukesh KumarFull Text:PDF
The objective of this study was to advance the technology of energy efficient air conditioning processes for simultaneous control of temperature and humidity in enclosed spaces. The study first focuses on refinement of state-of-the-art practices in humidity control in buildings. It develops and presents an advanced approach to the analysis and understanding of air conditioning system cooling and dehumidification performance and its interactions with building loads and system control strategies, based on use of the Sensible Heat Ratio (SHR) concept. Principles of humidity control using this approach are explained in detail as a theoretical framework for the field work. This theoretical basis is followed by presentation of two recent air-conditioning innovations--the use of U-shaped heat pipe heat exchangers and dual path airflow configurations--both developed by the author. The final phase of the research carries these laboratory findings and new concepts into a series of four field applications. Each application presents a different humidity control problem, and an appropriate solution is applied for each. The objectives of energy efficient humidity and temperature control have been met in the field demonstrations. Finally, conclusions are drawn concerning revisions to state-of-the-art practice, and opportunities for further research are identified.
Keywords/Search Tags:Humidity control, Temperature
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