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Single mode, broad-waveguide ARROW-type semiconductor diode lasers

Posted on:2001-12-12Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The University of Wisconsin - MadisonCandidate:Al-Muhanna, Abdulrahman AliFull Text:PDF
A broad transverse waveguide (low confinement) concept is used to achieve a record-high spatially incoherent cw output power of 11W for InGaAs active devices (lambda = 0.97 mum) from 100mum wide-stripe and 2mm-long devices with low internal loss, alpha1 = 1cm--1, and high characteristic temperatures, T0 = 210K, and T1 = 1800K.;A detailed above-threshold analysis reveals that reduction in gain spatial hole burning (GSHB) is possible in ARROW-type structures by using a low transverse confinement factor; consequently, a wider ARROW-core can be utilized.;By incorporating both a broad-waveguide concept as well as an asymmetric structure in the transverse direction, and an ARROW-type structure in the lateral direction, a novel single-spatial mode diode laser with improved performance is obtained. Devices with low transverse confinement factor (Gamma ∼ 1%) and a core-region width of 7.8 mum achieved 510mW single-spatial mode pulsed output power (lambda = 0.946 mum) with a full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of the lateral far-field pattern of 4.7°.
Keywords/Search Tags:Arrow-type, Transverse, Low
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