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Firing the canon: An examination of teaching methods for engaging high school students in canonical literature

Posted on:2001-05-31Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:University of Illinois at ChicagoCandidate:McKnight, Katherine SiewertFull Text:PDF
GTID:1467390014459638Subject:Curriculum development
This qualitative study, conducted in an urban high school explores the teaching methods that English teacher use to engage students in a literature curriculum that is dominated by canonical literature. Contrary to what critics claim, high school students, of diverse ability levels, can become engaged in stories that embody the canonical text. Engaging students in canonical literature is often challenging and examining the instructional methods for this kind of literature is key for promoting a student's engagement with text.;Qualitative methods were employed for this study. Data were gathered through teacher interviews which were audiotaped and transcribed, field notes which were composed during and following classroom observations, student artifacts, and student surveys. For classroom observations, four teachers were selected to represent the department. These teachers were observed for twelve weeks and another seven teachers were observed for two weeks and supplement the findings. Over 300 students and 13 teachers contributed to the data that were gathered, which demonstrate that high school students can become engaged in these stories if they are supported and encouraged by their teachers.
Keywords/Search Tags:High school, Students, Methods, Canonical, Literature, Teachers
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