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General education and enrollment trends at private baccalaureate colleges, 1975--2000

Posted on:2003-08-12Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The College of William and MaryCandidate:Vinson, Ellen LevyFull Text:PDF
Between 1975 and 2000, general education at private baccalaureate colleges changed considerably. Among 60 sample colleges, five notable trends emerged: an increase in general education quantity; a decline in student choice of general education courses; content shifts toward math, history, the arts and interdisciplinary study; an increasing number of colleges that include study of diverse perspectives in the general education curriculum; and greater attention to skills development, including overall academic skills, as well as written and oral communication.; General education change during the 1990's was due largely to forces external to the colleges including competition, and expectations of accrediting bodies. Additional reasons for curriculum change included internal academic interests and concerns, college logistical considerations, and college mission.
Keywords/Search Tags:General education, Colleges
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