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Contextual essay for video entitled 'From What to When is (not) Violence?'

Posted on:1997-06-09Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:The Union InstituteCandidate:Lombardi, Judith AnneFull Text:PDF
Using cybernetic concepts, this 80 minute video with a contextual essay explores: (1) what is violence; (2) when is violence; and (3) when is (not) violence, without depicting violence. The intent is to invite and orient a listener to look at violence as a message. This work proposes that thinking differently about thinking can effect oneself and thus one's relations with others, particularly in terms of the escalation and de-escalation of behaviors in human relations.; A montage of voices and quotes, the video includes: (1) Humberto R. Maturana, Ph.D., a neurobiologist, discussing the biology of love; (2) Deborah Prothrow-Stith, M.D., with statistics, looking at violence in the United States from a public health prevention model; (3) composer Herbert Brun critiquing the use of language as an "it" with social ramifications; (4) Gertrude Stein's thoughts on the distinction between repetition and insistence; and (5) comments and visual images of the author's experiences in daily and professional life. In sum, these voices and quotes illustrate a dynamic premise for explaining human being.; The video and essay comment upon violence, reflection, legitimization and social change, and include segments from an interactive urban art exhibit, scenes from the 1992-1995 annual conferences of the American Society for Cybernetics, and from the 1993-1995 Summer School for Designing a Society.
Keywords/Search Tags:Violence, Video, Essay
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