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Electronic discussion groups: An effective journalistic ethical forum

Posted on:2000-01-31Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Bowling Green State UniversityCandidate:Ruggiero, Thomas EFull Text:PDF
GTID:1465390014965971Subject:Mass Communications
Mass communication literature suggests a perceived ineffectuality of past and current journalistic ethical forums, such as news councils, ombudsmen, ethical codes, academic analysis and journalism reviews, by American journalists. This exploratory study investigated the ramifications of the recent introduction of electronic discussion groups, such as "LISTSERVs" and "electronic mailing lists," as a mode of journalistic ethical discussion.;This was accomplished through an e-mail questionnaire survey to 139 working journalists at 69 daily, general interest U.S. newspapers. The respondents were asked to rate and compare the effectiveness of electronic discussion groups with tradition journalistic forums, and the frequency that they used each of the forums.;Results of this exploratory study suggest that while American journalists are overwhelmingly using e-mail to conduct both professional and personal business, it is unlikely, at least at this time, that very many are logging on to electronic discussion groups to discuss ethical issues. However, the use of electronic discussion groups by American daily newspaper journalists, while not necessarily suffused with ethics discussion, may still serve that purpose, if only in a limited manner.;Furthermore, this exploratory study calls into question previous research conclusions that traditional ethical forums are perceived as extremely negative by a majority of American journalists. Results of this study found much positive response by American daily newspaper journalists to journalism review magazines and ethics codes as ethical forums, as well as some positive response to news ombudsmen, news councils, and academic journals.;Finally, this exploratory study supported the notion that the use of e-mail by American daily newspaper journalists, for a variety of tasks, is becoming ubiquitous.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ethical, Electronic discussion, American daily newspaper journalists, Exploratory study
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