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A Comparative Study Of Chinese And Kurdish Reporting Methods And Readers' Reaction On English Electronic Newspaper

Posted on:2019-08-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Brwa Aziz SidiqFull Text:PDF
GTID:2405330548468308Subject:Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the English language being the second most spoken language in the globe with its popularity in practice rising over the eastern nations,especially among the population of the current era;editorials written in English language is growing in acceptance and admiration by the youth.From daily journalisms to larger news organization,we come across all sort of reports written in English by non-native speakers.China and Kurdistan being two Asian countries where English language is commonly used in the mass media,this paper explores the differences among editorials such as electronic newspapers that are written by native Chinese and Kurdish editors.Comparisons are made with analyses that contribute reader's reactions to evaluate and produce conclusions.The main aim of this study was to contrast the characteristics of online newspaper editorials by native Chinese and Kurdish reporting in English language,the corpus used for textual analyses was composed of 20 articles from each group.A quantitative approach was used as the main methodology of this study;using descriptive and inferential statistics to describe the structure of reporting and the readers' reaction for evaluation purposes.The involved participants as readers were a total of 60 native Kurdish and Chinese speakers.This study revealed five results;firstly,it showed that the EKU editorials are more complex linguistically than CHI editorials,and it is significantly different(M=64.7030<104.5138);Secondly,the EKU and CHI editorial texts studies are of argumentative nature.Thirdly,regarding the reporting purposes,none of the editorials in the corpus aims to amuse readers;instead they provide a blunter message unlike editorials written by native-English.CHI editorials accomplish only one goal while EKU editorials convey multiple aims.Fourthly,both CHI and EKU texts are similar in terms of titles and grammatical structures(M=2.00).Most of the titles are summary statements and sentence structures rather than catchy headlines.Lastly,Kurdish readers have the same perceptions toward news texts based on their age,sex,and education level in contrast to the Chinese readers as shown through the T-test(p000<.05).These findings assist the research and EFL/EJP students to be observant of the linguistic differences between Kurdish and Chinese in English forms.This study could be used to improve the quality of editorial writings for Kurdish writers and to achieve enhanced positive feedback from their readers.Henceforth,the basis of this research provides an option for further studies of linguistics between Chinese and Kurdish languages,where the analysis of personal pronouns reveals the underlying ideology of Kurdish and Chinese languages.
Keywords/Search Tags:Contrastive analysis, English electronic newspaper, Chinese editorials, reaction of readers, Kurdish editorials, EFL/EJP, Reporting news
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