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La documentacion terminologica en la traduccion especializada: Metodo y didactica

Posted on:2001-09-24Degree:DrType:Dissertation
University:Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid (Spain)Candidate:Rodriguez Ortega, NadiaFull Text:PDF
The studies in translation do not question any more the fact that this activity belongs, by its own right, to the area of communication and has, therefore, to fulfil all the needs required by any communication act, which are: clarity, accuracy, coherence, acceptability and the maximum degree of equivalence.If we add to these demands the fact that a great deal of these texts or speeches that are nowadays translating material are texts and speeches on specific subjects understanding by specific areas as diverse as sports, art or computing, we realize that the clarity of expression, the accuracy in the use of terms and the coherence in the discourse as well as the adequate style to the subject and the degree of acceptability for the final receptor are more difficult to reach than when we deal with general translations. If to all this we add the demands inherent to any translation as a professional activity, and the demands of the customer, of current legislation, accepted terminology, etc., it becomes obvious that the task of the translator of specified and specialized texts in not simply a linguistic or socio-cultural translation, but requires an important task of documentation.That is why this work deals with the study and analysis of specific and specialised texts to determine the conceptual, syntactic and terminological documentation required by any translation properly done.To confuse the documentation, as it is traditionally conceived, with the documentation applied to translation would be a rude mistake, and that is why our work deals with "what" documentation is needed to realize proper and adequate translations, and "how" to focus such documentation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Translation, Documentation
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