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Assessing the Quality of Life and Health Outcomes of Androgenic Alopecia Patients using Propecia

Posted on:2017-01-26Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Rutgers The State University of New Jersey, School of Health Related ProfessionsCandidate:Alanazi, NaifFull Text:PDF
GTID:1464390014969734Subject:Pharmaceutical sciences
Most dermatologists prescribe the drugs Minoxidil and Propecia (Finastride) to improve the symptoms of Androgenic Alopecia in male patients, and subsequently their Quality of Life. However, it has been noticed that patients who were using Propecia have developed some serious side effects such as erectile dysfunction, lack of libido, depression and in some cases suicidal thoughts, which cause a decrease in the Quality of Life of the patient instead of improving it.;We found a statistical significance decrease in the Quality of Life of patients using Propecia in comparison to patients using Minoxidil. The Role Limitation Due to an Emotional Problem was the most effected health component of the SF-36 Quality of Life scale.;Also we found a correlation between the duration of using Propecia and the worsening of the Quality of Life score. Ages of the patients and their compliance were not found to be related to the score.;In our study we assessed the Quality of Life of 90 Androgenic Alopecia patients who are using Propecia only and compared them to 157 Androgenic Alopecia who are using Minoxidil only. We used the self-reporting SF-36 Quality of Life Scale and added the variables Age, Duration of Using Propecia and Patients' Compliance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Propecia, Androgenic alopecia, Quality, Life
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