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Effects of anesthesia on central auditory processing

Posted on:2002-12-01Degree:Au.DType:Dissertation
University:Central Michigan UniversityCandidate:Shoemaker, Sheryl StokesFull Text:PDF
GTID:1464390011492013Subject:Health Sciences
The purpose of the project is to review literature pertinent to central auditory processing and general anesthesia and propose a research design to investigate the relationship, if any, between the two. Central auditory processing disorders have been a controversial issue in audiology for many years. With this disorder comes a variety of terms, etiologies, and manifestations.; One proposed etiology for central auditory processing disorders has been general anesthesia. With advances in surgical procedures and methods for administering anesthesia, elective, non-essential surgeries are performed daily. When surgical procedures are necessary, consequences may result. The exact cause, manifestations, and duration of these consequences are not well understood. Reported side effects of general anesthesia are slowed reaction time, memory loss, and cognitive changes all of which are characteristic of central auditory processing disorders. However, the literature has a void in research that relates the effects of general anesthesia to the occurrence of central auditory processing disorders.; In conclusion, the review of literature revealed that research relating general anesthesia and central auditory processing disorders is necessary. It is hypothesized that anesthesia will affect measurable behavioral parameters of central auditory processing functions. An established relationship between general anesthesia and central auditory processing disorders may be the missing link explaining why some individuals manifest a central auditory processing disorder.
Keywords/Search Tags:Central auditory processing, Anesthesia, Effects
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