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A Bayesian approach to the characterization of electroencephalographic recordings in premature infants

Posted on:2012-03-13Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Washington University in St. LouisCandidate:Mitchell, Timothy JFull Text:PDF
GTID:1464390011461589Subject:Health Sciences
Preterm infants are particularly susceptible to cerebral injury, and electroencephalographic (EEG) recordings provide an important diagnostic tool for determining cerebral health. However, interpreting these EEG recordings is challenging and requires the skills of a trained electroencephalographer. Because these EEG specialists are rare, an automated interpretation of newborn EEG recordings would increase access to an important diagnostic tool for physicians. To automate this procedure, we employ a novel Bayesian approach to compute the probability of EEG features (waveforms) including suppression, delta brushes, and delta waves. The power of this approach lies not only in its ability to closely mimic the techniques used by EEG specialists, but also its ability to be generalized to identify other waveforms that may be of interest for future work. The results of these calculations are used in a program designed to output simple statistics related to the presence or absence of such features. Direct comparison of the software with expert human readers has indicated satisfactory performance, and the algorithm has shown promise in its ability to distinguish between infants with normal neurodevelopmental outcome and those with poor neurodevelopmental outcome.
Keywords/Search Tags:EEG, Recordings, Approach
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