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Study of electrophysiology recordings in organotypic cultures

Posted on:2017-01-07Degree:M.SType:Thesis
University:Lehigh UniversityCandidate:Mahoney, MarkFull Text:PDF
GTID:2464390011498781Subject:Biomedical engineering
Epilepsy and its onset, epileptogenesis, have complicated underlying mechanisms that can often be studied in greater detail when in vitro. In vitro hippocampal cultures develop epileptic symptoms in a period of approximately ten to fourteen days in vitro. Working in vitro allows for an easier manipulation of elements such as growth factors that can affect epileptogenesis as well as multiple methods of analyzing data to ensure significant results. The capability of electrophysiology recordings to directly quantify changes in epileptogenesis in vitro is the main focus of this work. Using this method, recordings of different regions of the brain capable of developing epilepsy were performed.;The main concern of working in vitro is the artificial environment created for culture in which they are kept is not parallel to the natural environment they encounter in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Therefore there is reason to be concerned that the media itself could contribute to epileptogenesis. Two distinct culture media, Neurobasal-A (NeurA) and CSF-based medium (CBM) were used to determine if this was the case. We were able to conclude epileptogenesis occurred regardless of the media type, although specific adjustments help to reduce seizures and the associated cell death.
Keywords/Search Tags:Epileptogenesis, Vitro, Recordings
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