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A millikelvin atomic force microscope for the investigation of mesoscopic devices

Posted on:1999-05-17Degree:Ph.DType:Dissertation
University:Dartmouth CollegeCandidate:Pelekhov, Denis VFull Text:PDF
e have developed an atomic force microscope capable of operating at millikelvin temperatures and in high magnetic fields. The microscope has a piezoelectrically driven vertical coarse approach mechanism allowing vertical motion of the microscope scan head in steps as small as 10 nm both with and against the gravity. A horizontal sample translation stage enables precision positioning of a sample relative to the tip of a standard force sensing cantilever. All the systems of the microscope are optimized for functioning inside the mixing chamber of a dilution refrigerator at millkelvin temperatures and in high magnetic fields. Deflection of the force-sensing cantilever is detected via an optical fiber interferometer operating at very low power levels. A standard piezo tube provides a 4.0...
Keywords/Search Tags:Microscope, Force
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